

◆ 会议时间:2025年11月6-8日
◆ 会议地点:葡萄牙 里斯本


◆ 会议简介:



ABC全球联盟(ABC Global Alliance)成立于2016年,由欧洲肿瘤学院倡议发起成立,目前已在葡萄牙注册为非营利性协会,其宗旨是改善和延长全世界所有国家患有晚期乳腺癌(ABC)的女性和男性的生命,并为治愈而努力。ABC全球联盟是2011年开始召开的ABC晚期乳腺癌国际共识大会的工作的延续,负责ESO-ESMO晚期乳腺癌国际共识指南的管理制定及宣传工作。ABC指南或会议已得到其他几个国际肿瘤学组织的认可和支持,如,ESO(欧洲肿瘤学院),EONS(欧洲肿瘤护理学会),ESSO(欧洲肿瘤外科学会),欧洲癌症组织,AGO(妇科肿瘤学会),EUSOMA(欧洲乳腺癌专家协会),ESTRO(欧洲放射治疗与肿瘤学学会),UICC(国际抗癌联盟),SIS(乳腺国际学会)/ISS(国际乳腺学院),OECI(欧洲癌症研究所组织),BCRF(乳腺癌研究基金会)。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网(lingyuitn.com).

ABC8 – Eighth Advanced Breast Cancer International Consensus Conference

Date: 6-8 November 2026
Location: Lisboa, Portugal

Organised by:
ABC Global Alliance, European School of Oncology (ESO)






Deadline for submission: 17 May 2023

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Participants are invited to submit abstracts on subjects related to advanced breast cancer in one of the categories listed below.
Please note that all abstracts must relate to advanced (not early) breast cancer in order to be considered.
Abstracts will be assessed for presentation at the Conference, either oral or poster, or for publication in the ABC7 Abstract Book, supplement of The Breast.
The best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation within the programme with a 10-minute slide presentation followed by a 5-minute discussion slot.
The best abstracts oral presentations will be scheduled on Thursday, 9 November and poster presentations will take place on Friday, 10 November.


  • Nursing
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Basic and translational research
  • Clinical issues: Medical oncology
  • Clinical issues: Radiation oncology
  • Clinical issues: Surgical oncology
  • Clinical issues: Supportive and palliative care
  • Clinical issues: Other topics


  • The number of characters is limited: 250 characters for the title (lower case letters) and maximum 3000 characters for the body of the abstract.
  • Names of research groups should appear in the body of the abstract.
  • Tables and images are not accepted.
  • List the authors’ and co-authors’ affiliations.
  • The first author will be the corresponding author and the presenter at the conference.
  • When creating the user account, the first author should provide email and phone.
  • For abstracts accepted for presentation (oral or poster), the first author will be the presenting author and will be requested to register and participate in the conference.
  • It is the responsibility of the first author to ascertain whether all authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission is made.

The acknowledgement of receipt of the abstract will immediately follow the submission.

The outcome will be notified to the first author by 10 July 2023 who will be required to register to the conference (early registration deadline: 17 July 2023).





(by 17 July 2023)
(by 16 October 2023)
(from 17 October 2023)
Physicians, industry and policy makers EUR 450 EUR 550 EUR 700
ABC Global Alliance members EUR 350 EUR 550 EUR 700
Caregivers** and researchers** EUR 350 EUR 550 EUR 700
Emerging economies*, patient advocates**, students** and residents in training** EUR 250 EUR 300 EUR 400


In-person participation includes:

  • Participation in scientific and educational live sessions
  • Onsite networking
  • Entry to the Poster Area
  • Access to the Virtual Platform to watch the missed sessions on-demand and Abstract Book
  • Coffee breaks, lunches, welcome cocktail as indicated in the programme


(by 17 July 2023)
(by 16 October 2023)
(from 17 October 2023)
Physicians, industry and policy makers EUR 350 EUR 450 EUR 600
ABC Global Alliance members EUR 250 EUR 450 EUR 600
Caregivers** and researchers** EUR 250 EUR 450 EUR 600
Emerging economies*, patient advocates**, students** and residents in training** EUR 100 EUR 250 EUR 400

Online participation includes:

  • Access to the Virtual Platform, with live streaming of all sessions and possibility to watch the sessions on-demand
  • Interaction through the chat on the congress Virtual Platform
  • Access to e-Posters
  • Access to the Virtual Platform to watch the missed sessions on-demand and Abstract Book

*Emerging economies/World Bank Rate: applies to individuals from low and low-middle-income economies according to the World Bank listing.

Low Income Economies

Low-Middle Income Economies

**The following documents should be submitted when making the registration online:  

  • Caregivers and Researchers: curriculum vitae with full contact details
    • (Care Givers: pharmacists, nurses, palliative care specialists, rehabilitation specialists, psychologists)
    • (Researchers: (epidemiologists, scientists, data managers, biostatisticians)
  • Patient advocates: curriculum vitae indicating their advocacy experience, role within theorganisation and the full contact details of the patient advocate’s organisation.
  • Students and Residents in training: a letter from the Head of the Department as a proof of the student/resident status


Cancellation should be notified to the organizing secretariat in writing. In case of cancellation without replacement, the fee minus EUR 150 for handling charges will be refunded within three months from the notification, provided that the cancellation is received before 4 September 2023. Replacements will be possible until 4 October 2023.

Badge (In-person participation)

The badge is the only official evidence of registration and should be always worn during the event. Loss of badge results in loss of registration.

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