◆ 会议时间:2025年11月11-14日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年第26届IPOS世界心理肿瘤学大会将于2025年11月11-14日在澳大利亚阿德莱德举行,会议由国际心理肿瘤学会(IPOS)组织。一年一度的IPOS世界心理社会肿瘤学术大会汇集了来自世界各地不同领域的专业人士,他们在国际层面上就改善癌症护理进行对话,并制定将心理社会问题纳入癌症控制各方面的战略。与会者包括但不限于心理学家、精神病学家、医生、护士、社会工作者、社会科学家、患者权益倡导者、教育工作者和管理人员、营养师、流行病学家、精神护理专家和职业康复专家。 国际心理肿瘤学会(IPOS)成立于1984年,是一个多学科的国际机构,旨在促进与心理社会肿瘤学相关学科的临床、教育和研究的国际交流。IPOS致力于通过多学科合作、研究、公共政策、宣传和教育宣等方式,为全球受癌症影响的人们提供更好的心理社会关怀,将心理社会治疗应用到临床肿瘤中,为患者提供最优质的护理。2014年IPOS与WHO建立官方正式关系。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com). 26th International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) World Congress of Psycho-oncology 2025 Dates: November 11-14, 2025
The annual IPOS World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy brings together professionals in diverse fields from around the globe who dialogue about improving cancer care on an international level and developing strategies to add psychosocial issues to all aspects of cancer control. The attendees include, but are not limited to, psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, social workers, social scientists, patient advocates, educators and administrators, dieticians, epidemiologists, spiritual care specialists, and vocational rehabilitation specialists. The congress usually offers three days of symposia, podium presentations and posters addressing a variety of disciplines within cancer supportive care. The congress is held in conjunction with the Psychosocial Academy which offers two days of training workshops and presentations.
下为上届信息 摘要征文投稿: Abstract submission will open 1 December 2023. The deadline for submitting an abstract and/or symposium is 1 March 2024 (12 PM CET).
General Rules and GuidelinesWith the submission of an abstract or a symposium to IPOS 2024, the first author (submitting author):
Submission Formats AbstractsIn order to be considered, an abstract must follow the following guidelines:
Symposium Abstracts: Abstracts can be sumbitted as part of a symposium. Please note that you need a unique code for this, this code can be provided by the symposium organizer. Clinical Abstracts: The clinical stream refers to items such as development of innovative programs or interventions/service delivery/model of care. Length limit: 1600 characters (including spaces) Headings:
Research Abstracts: The research stream refers to work that is primarily based on the scientific method of discovery of hypothesis testing or theory development. This stream can include work from protocols to review and studies of various design. Length limit: 1600 characters (including spaces) Headings:
About the congress On behalf of the Local Organizing – and the Scientific Committee of IPOS2024, it is our pleasure to announce that the 25th International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) World Congress of Psycho-oncology will be held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, on 24th (Tuesday) – 27th (Friday) September 2024. The Local Organizing Committee and the Dutch Psychosocial Society (NVPO) are proud to host this World Congress. The 25th World Congress will showcase the best cutting-edge work in psycho-oncology. We welcome you to visit our website, where we will provide all the information you need to plan your visit and prepare for participation. With a congress theme of “Cancer in Context’ and psychosocial academy workshops addressing timely issues in research and practice, the upcoming World Congress highlights the circumstances in which cancer plays a significant role in the lives of people facing the disease. Our goal is to improve the lives of people facing cancer worldwide. The upcoming World Congress represents a huge opportunity for practitioners and researchers in the field to share their experiences, work, and research with professionals from across the globe. Maastricht is an excellent location to offer an enjoyable environment to host such a meaningful event. We will keep you posted and announce more in the coming months and are looking forward to meeting you in Maastricht. Yours sincerely, On behalf of our whole organizing team, Robbert Sanderman, Chair IPOS 2024 Wendy Wing Tak Lam, Co-Chair IPOS2024 and President of IPOS
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