◆ 会议时间:2025年11月20-22日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年国际老年肿瘤学会(SIOG)年会将于2025年11月20-22日在比利时根特举行。SIOG年会是老年肿瘤学领域首屈一指的会议,为肿瘤学家、研究人员、临床医生、老年病学家、放射科医师、心理学家、营养师、护士和其他医疗保健专业人员提供了一个学习、互动以及分享科研成果和最佳实践的平台。 国际老年肿瘤学会(SIOG)成立于2000年,是一个由肿瘤学和老年医学领域的医师及相关医护人员组成的多学科学会,现在全球75个国家拥有超过1130名个人会员,包括基础科学家、肿瘤外科专家、老年科医师、肿瘤学家、放射肿瘤学家、心理学家、社会学家、护士、护师和其他相关专业人士等。SIOG的使命是宣促进老年肿瘤学领域相关专业人士的发展,优化对老年人癌症的治疗。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com). International Society of Geriatric Oncology Annual Conference – SIOG 2025 Date: November 20-22, 2025 Theme: Bridging Research in Clinical Practice in Geriatric Oncology
The SIOG Annual Conference is the leading conference for health professionals involved in the treatment of older cancer patients and provides a unique platform for oncologists, researchers, clinical practitioners, geriatricians, radiologists, psychologists, nutritionists, nurses and other healthcare professionals as well as senior cancer survivor advocates who wish to learn, interact and share results and best practices. It also allows for important improvements in the understanding and the implementation of this multidisciplinary approach when treating senior adults with cancer.
下为上届信息 摘要征文投稿: Abstract submission timeline:
With the submission of an abstract to the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference, the submitting author:
IMPORTANT: To have an accepted abstract published in the official journal, the presenting author must be registered to the conference by 24 July 2024.
This track focuses on clinical trials (drug and non-drug), imaging studies, and other precision approaches).
This track includes fundamental biology of cancer, epidemiology, and prognostic studies.
This track relates to studies describing or attempting to address disparities and gaps in the care of diverse populations of older adults with cancer and/or caregivers. This track also includes health services research including but not limited to cost-effectiveness and decision-making evaluations in diverse populations of older adults with cancer and their caregivers.
This track includes geriatric assessment implementation studies, models of care, and other areas of supportive and palliative care throughout the cancer journey for patients and caregivers.
This track includes educational scholarship at all levels with an aim to improve awareness of or ability to better care for older adults with cancer, and educational initiatives targeting researchers, caregivers, patients, patient partners and clinicians. You have the possibility to submit your abstract to be considered for the Young SIOG Investigator Award and the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award. Please do not forget to select the option while submitting your abstract. (Only members of SIOG are eligible for these awards. Please ensure that you have an active membership before submitting your abstract if you would like to apply for these awards. Membership is not required to submit an abstract, but a multitude of benefits are offered to SIOG members (access to the presentations at the close of the conference for instance). To learn more and join, please click here. Please find listed below the eligibility criteria for the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award and the Young SIOG Investigator Award Note: Application to the Nursing and Allied Health Investigator Award is open to nurses, pharmacists, occupational and physical therapists, social workers and other non-physician health professionals and PhD researchers. Note: Application to the Young SIOG Investigator Award is open to Junior experts in the field of geriatric oncology (with less than ten (10) years post exit from formal training programme) Working as a trainee in any discipline that is related to the treatment of older cancer patients (e.g. surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, urology, pulmonology, haematology) and / or PhD student, postdoctoral fellow or researcher
Format and technical specifications To be considered for review, an abstract should comply with the following guidelines and respect the below structure:
The abstract needs to be structured as follows:
Only the structural heading should be in bold letters (Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion). You can start an abstract and decide to finalise it at a later stage before the submission deadline by clicking on the “Save” button. Once you have completed the online submission, please click on the “Submit” button for the actual submission of the abstract. The abstracts not duly submitted by 18 April at 23:59 CEST will not be considered for review. The corresponding author will receive a confirmation by email of the successful submission of their abstract. Authors should not consider their abstract as submitted if they have not received any email confirmation, and they are invited to contact siog-scientific@kit-group.org. Submitting an abstract for SIOG 2024 Annual Conference does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register by 24 July 2024 to attend by following the instructions for registration on the SIOG 2024 Annual Conference website. Note: Abstracts of authors failing to comply with the registration deadline will not be included in the electronic Abstract Book of the conference published as a Supplement of the Journal of Geriatric Oncology (JGO). Authors registering at a later stage will still be allowed to attend and present by interacting with the participants visiting the Poster Area and responding to their questions. For questions regarding the online submission process, please contact siog-scientific@kit-group.org. All abstract submitters will be notified in June 2024 of the status of their abstract.
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