

◆ 会议时间:2025年11月19-23日
◆ 会议地点:美国 火奴鲁鲁


◆ 会议简介:



SNO 2025 – 30th Annual Meeting and Education Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology

Date: November 19-23, 2025
Venue: Honolulu, HI, USA





Abstract deadline: May 29, 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Late Breaking Abstracts

SNO recognizes that some rapidly advancing investigations may include results that will not be available at the time of the abstract submission deadline of May 29, 2024. For this reason, SNO will allow authors to submit their late phase clinical trial late breaking research for consideration for the 2024 SNO Annual Meeting.

Late Breaking submissions must adhere to guidelines below and a “placeholder abstract” must be submitted by the initial May 29 deadline. Place holder late breaking abstracts not submitted by the May 29 deadline, will not be allowed to submit a late breaking abstract at a later date. Abstracts that are not late phase clinical trials following interim or final analysis may not be submitted as Late Breaking abstracts and may be rejected.

Please note that only a limited number of abstracts from the Late Breaking category will be selected for presentation at the meeting in Houston, Texas. Authors should note the following important information before submitting a Late Breaking Abstract:

  • Late breaking abstracts must be a late phase clinical trial following interim or final analysis and submitted in one of the two categories, Clinical Trials: Immunologic or Clinical Trials: Non-Immunologic. Abstracts submitted as Late Breaking in any other categories will be rejected.
  • Abstracts accepted for Late Breaking presentation will not be included in the regular abstract supplement to Neuro-Oncology and will be published electronically on the day of presentation.
  • Late breaking abstracts will not be considered for awards.
  • The Scientific Planning Committee determines the final presentation format of the abstract submission.

Please note: This category is not intended to offer a second deadline for regular abstract submissions.

For an abstract to be considered for Late Breaking Abstract Status, the submitting author must:

  • Select the Clinical Trials Special Interest Track in the abstract submission site.
  • Select the Clinical Trials: Immunologic or Clinical Trials: Non-Immunologic category.
  • Submit a late phase clinical trial abstract including objectives and methods but excluding the results and conclusions of the research by the submission deadline of Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Include any information that supports the potential for late breaking impact and the date of planned analysis for the abstract.
  • Submit a final late breaking abstract (with updated data) by Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 5:00 PM ET. If an updated abstract is not submitted by the final September 3 deadline, the abstract will be automatically rejected.



The Call for Abstracts for the 2024 SNO Annual Meeting is now open! The abstract deadline is Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 11:59 pm ET. This deadline will not be extended. Be a part of the largest neuro-oncology conference in the world by submitting your scientific research today!


  • The regular abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM ET. This deadline will not be extended. NOTE: Abstracts including titles, content, and authors, cannot be edited after the May 29 deadline. Acceptance notifications will be sent in late July or early August.
  • The late breaking abstract deadline is Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM ET. Only abstracts related to late phase clinical trials will be accepted for late breaking consideration. A placeholder abstract must be submitted by the initial May 29 deadline. Submitters who do not submit a placeholder abstract by the May 29 deadline will not be allowed to submit a late breaking abstract at a later date. Please carefully review the late breaking guidelines prior to submitting a late breaking abstract. Acceptance notifications will be sent after the final September 3 deadline.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published as submitted in the journal Neuro-Oncology. Once the abstracts are submitted to the journal for publication, requests for withdrawals cannot be processed. All requests to withdraw must be submitted by Monday, August 5, 2024, at 5:00 PM ET.
  • The presenter registration deadline is Tuesday, October 15. All abstract presenters (oral and poster) must present in person at the meeting in Houston and must register for the meeting by the deadline.


  • All accepted abstracts will be published as submitted in the journal Neuro-Oncology. Submitters will be required to provide permission to publish. There are no exceptions.
  • All presentations will be recorded and will be made available on SNO’s website for approximately one year following the meeting. Submitters will be required to provide permission to record. There are no exceptions.
  • The abstract submitter must confirm that all authors have approved the abstract submission.
  • The abstract submitter must confirm that the presenter or another author will register for and present the accepted abstract at the meeting.
  • Presenters will be given full credit for their presentations. For the purpose of Neuro-Oncology, Neuro-Oncology Practice and other scholarly journals, presentation in either of these forums is not considered “prior publication”.


  • All listed abstract presenters (oral and poster) MUST register for the meeting by Tuesday, October 15. Presenters must present their abstract in person at the meeting in Houston, Texas. Virtual or pre-recorded presentations will not be possible. If you have a presenter change, you must notify Tara Mammoser at tara@soc-neuro-onc.org via email. If the listed presenter is not registered by the registration deadline, the abstract will be withdrawn from the meeting.


  • The embargo will be lifted for regular abstracts on November 11, 2024, at 7:00 AM ET. Late breaking abstracts will be released the day of presentation.
  • Press releases may be issued after the embargo is lifted. However, we ask that you do not release the presentation slides or poster until after the presentation at the meeting.


  • Presenters using a third party to create slides and/or posters are responsible to communicate presentation details and specifications with the third party.
  • Poster presenters will be required to submit an electronic version of their traditional poster they will hang and display at the meeting. The electronic version will be available for attendees to view on the SNO website and mobile app for approximately one year following the meeting.
  • Initial communication will be sent to the abstract submitter and later to the presenter (if different than the submitter).
  • Communication regarding your presentation and other details will be sent to the email address provided by the submitter. Please be sure to verify the submitter’s and presenter’s email addresses. SNO is not responsible for verifying email addresses.


  • All submitted abstracts (except for Late Breaking Abstracts) are automatically considered for subject matter awards. In addition, abstract submitters may also indicate their willingness to be considered for the Women in Neuro-Oncology (WiN) Awards, Young Investigator Award and the EANO Travel Scholarships. Please note, the presenting authors will receive all awards.
    • The WiN Abstract Awards recognize two outstanding abstracts, with a designation of an oral presentation during a session of the SNO Annual Meeting and presentation of an award certificate. One is given for Basic/Translational Science Research and the other for Clinical Research.
    • Young Investigator Awards recognize outstanding abstracts with the designation of an oral presentation during a session of the SNO Annual Meeting, an award certificate, and a monetary award. To be considered a Young Investigator, applicants must be within the first five years of a faculty appointment (tenure or non-tenure track) within their institution. Postdoctoral fellows, research associates below faculty level are not eligible.
    • EANO Travel Scholarships: SNO and EANO are awarding reciprocal travel scholarships to their respective meetings (EANO in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom on October 17-20, 2024, and SNO in Houston, Texas on November 21-24, 2024). A joint committee of the scientific leadership of both organizations will review top-scoring abstracts to select the winners who will present oral abstracts. Airfare, hotel stipend and registrations fees for travel to Glasgow, Scotland will be provided for the SNO scholarship recipients. Please note that applying for this award does not preclude you from presenting your work in Houston.


  • Please review the track and submission category details prior to submitting an abstract.
  • Abstract submitters should carefully review their abstract for content errors (spelling, names, etc.) before submitting. SNO neither proofreads for nor corrects spelling, typographical, grammatical, or scientific errors. Accepted abstracts will be published as submitted in the journal Neuro-Oncology. Abstract edits cannot be made after the May 29 deadline.
  • Abstract Title
    • Should be sentence case (i.e., only the first letter of the sentence should be capitalized).
    • Should be plain text (no html).
    • Word Limit: 75 words.
  • Abstract Body
    • Figures and tables are not allowed.
    • If sub-headers are used (i.e., Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions), they should be included in the paragraph and not bolded.
    • Abstracts should be data-driven and must include this information in the body of the abstract.
    • Word Limit: 300 words.
  • Authors
    • There can only be one presenting author per abstract submission. If the listed presenting author is unable to present, a co-author will be allowed to present in their place. All presenter changes must be sent via email to Tara Mammoser at tara@soc-neuro-onc.org.
    • Enter the names of authors in the order in which you wish them to appear on the meeting website and in the journal.
    • Communication will be sent to the email addresses provided by the submitter. The submitter should verify the entered email addresses. SNO is not responsible for verifying email addresses.
    • Submitters should verify spelling and institutional affiliations of authors. SNO neither proofreads for nor corrects spelling or institutional affiliation errors.
    • Author Limit: 50 authors with a maximum of 2 affiliations per author.
    • Authors cannot be edited or added after the May 29 deadline. 


  • The submitter must select a special interest track and category that is most related to your abstract. NOTE: Upon review, the SNO Annual Meeting Planning Committee reserves the right to change the special interest track and category originally selected by the abstract submitter.
  • For Late Breaking Abstract information and guidelines please click here.



Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to join your colleagues in the eclectic and vibrant city of Houston, Texas, for the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology!  

The SNO Annual Meeting is the world’s largest neuro-oncology conference, regularly attracting over 2600 researchers and clinician scientists from over 40 countries. Spanning all neuro-oncology disciplines, professions, and interests, #SNO2024 will be the premier forum at which to share knowledge and gain insights on the future of neuro-oncology research and treatment.

The theme of #SNO2024 is The Hallmarks of Brain Cancer, and we are thrilled to share that an outstanding group of speakers and panelists will be posted on this website in the coming weeks.

Houston, Texas, is a vibrant and diverse metropolis that stands as the largest city in the Lone Star State. Known for its rich cultural tapestry and booming economy, Houston is a melting pot of cultures, with a thriving arts scene, world-class museums, and a dynamic culinary landscape that reflects its cosmopolitan population. The sprawling cityscape is dotted with skyscrapers, green spaces, and diverse neighborhoods, making Houston a welcoming and bustling urban center in the heart of Texas.

Against this backdrop, we believe this year’s SNO Annual Meeting will provide an outstanding opportunity for networking and building lasting relationships with like-minded colleagues from around the world.

We look forward to seeing you in Houston!

Michelle Monje
Humsa Venkatesh
Howard Colman
Erik Sulman




Meeting Rates
Rates for 2024 SNO Annual Meeting are as follows:

Neuro-Oncology Review Course (Pre-Conference): Wednesday, November 20, 2024
  Early Bird
(deadline 9-20)
Regular Rate
(9-21 thru 11-13)
On-site Rate
(After 11-13)
Trainee, Allied Health,
International Outreach
$125  $175  $225 
All Others  $240 $290  $340 

Education Day: Thursday, November 21, 2024
  Early Bird
(deadline 9-20)
Regular Rate
(9-21 thru 11-13)
On-Site Rate
(after 11-13)
SNO Full/Emeritus Member  $235  $255  $295
SNO Student/Trainee Member  $85  $125   $145 
Allied Health Professional  $115  $130   $175 
International Outreach  $65  $85   $125 
Trainee Non-Member  $105  $145   $165 
Non-Member  $430  $460   $500 

Fellow Career Retreat: Thursday, November 21, 2024
 All Tickets  $75

Career Development and Networking Reception: Thursday, November 21, 2024
 All Tickets $25 

Scientific Meeting: November 21-24, 2024
  Early Bird
(deadline 9-20)
Regular Rate
(9-21 thru 11-13)
On-Site Rate
(after 11-13)
SNO Full/Emeritus Member  $625  $695  $795
SNO Student/Trainee Member  $220  $270  $315
Allied Health Professional  $415  $475  $535
International Outreach  $220  $270  $315
Trainee Non-Member  $315  $345  $415
Non-Member  $1,250  $1,295   $1,350

Gala Dinner: November 23, 2024
 All Tickets  $125

Box Lunches: Available November 21-23, 2024
 Boxed Lunch  $25/each

*Please note that Education Day registration includes access to both the applied science and basic science tracks.


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