◆ 会议时间:2025年8月12-14日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年澳大利亚肿瘤内科组织(MOGA)年度科学会议将于2025年8月12-14日在澳大利亚墨尔本举行。 澳大利亚肿瘤内科学会(MOGA)是由澳大利亚肿瘤内科学家和相关专业人士组成的国家级专业组织,作为澳大利亚皇家内科医师学会的专业协会,MOGA与澳大利亚国内外的众多专业组织和机构保持紧密的战略合作。MOGA与政府、卫生组织、相关国际协会/学会、企业和学术学院密切合作,以在澳大利亚国内和全球范围内改善和发展肿瘤内科学和癌症护理专业。未经许可禁止复制转载镜像本站任何内容—国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com) MOGA 2025 – Medical Oncology Group of Australia Incorporated (MOGA) Annual Scientific Meeting Date: Venue:
摘要征文投稿: Call for Abstracts closing date: Sunday, 15 June 2025
The 2025 MOGA Annual Scientific Meeting will bring Australian Oncologists together to discuss, learn, and plan as we pivot further into the rapidly expanding field of cancer immunotherapy. The meeting Beyond the Checkpoints – Navigating the Immunotherapy Revolution, will be a timely opportunity to explore how immunotherapy has not replaced, but has enriched cancer care alongside more established treatment approaches. The meeting will draw national and international experts together to face the dual challenges of immunotherapy failure and immune-related adverse events. Sessions will provide updates on key clinical advances across major cancer types, and cover the insights needed for attendees to stay ahead of the next wave of immunotherapeutics that lie Beyond the Checkpoints. How clinicians navigate the ever-changing treatment options, moving goalposts of survival, and access to evolving standards of care will form the central focus of this year’s professional sessions. As the peak national scientific forum for Medical Oncologists, the 2025 meeting will host a comprehensive mix of scientific and professional sessions including dedicated trainee and YOGA content, oral and poster presentations, an extensive Industry Exhibition, and networking and social events headlined by the Annual Meeting Dinner. We welcome you to join your colleagues for an energising Annual Meeting in Melbourne on 12 – 14 August, 2025.
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