

◆ 会议时间:2025年9月17-20日
◆ 会议地点:加拿大 多伦多


◆ 会议简介:



22nd International Myeloma Society(IMS)Annual Meeting 2025

Dates: September 17 – 20, 2025
Venue: Toronto, Canada





May 30, 2024 Abstract Submission Deadline
Early July 2024 Abstract Notification
July 2024 Abstract Acceptance Deadline
Note, if abstract is selected and an acceptance is not received by this
deadline, the abstract will automatically be withdrawn.
July 15 Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Open
August 15 Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Closes (at 11:59 pm EDT (GMT+5))
Mid-August 2024 Late-Breaking Abstract Notification

The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, May 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Submission Types

Oral Abstract – A limited number of high-ranking abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.

Poster Abstract – Presenters will make physical posters to present during dedicated poster sessions. Presenters can elect to have an electronic poster in addition to a physical poster. Presenters are required to be with their posters during the poster sessions.

Authors and Presenters

Include the name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation and location for all co-authors. A maximum of 25 co-authors can be added to the abstract. If an author’s name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.

The submitter must also identify the author who will present the abstract, which is limited to one presenter. All oral abstract presenters are required to disclose any financial and non-financial conflicts of interests so that continuing education may be provided.

An email will AUTOMATICALLY be sent to each author to log in and verify their information.

Authors who submit multiple abstracts should be prepared to plan for alternative presenters (who must be a co-author on the abstract) to attend in case more than one abstract is accepted and presentation times overlap.

Responsibility of Abstract Submitters

  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted. Authors are responsible for providing a substitute presenter if the presenting author is unable to attend.
  • Encore abstracts are permitted, however new data is encouraged, and scoring will depend on expanding on what was presented at other meetings.
  • By submitting an abstract, the authors certify that they have written consent for use of any recognizable photographs in posters or presentations.
  • All original research involving human subjects or animal studies must adhere to internationally accepted standards for the conduct of research. Human subjects and animal research should be approved by a regionally appropriate oversight mechanism, such as an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Animal Care and Use Committee.

Responsibility of Abstract Presenters

  • Presenting the abstract, if accepted.
  • Assuring that all appropriate financial and non-financial relationship disclosures have been made. Disclosure of financial relationships with commercial entities is required for the presenting author and his/her spouse and institution (oral abstract presenters only).
  • Announcing the disclosures before the presentation of the abstract.
  • Logging in to the abstract site to RSVP acceptance of the presentation and review the presentation guidelines, if accepted.
  • Presenters must register for the 21st IMS Annual and are responsible for all registration fees and personal expenses related to the meeting.

Late-Breaking Abstracts

Submission Window: July 15-August 15, 2024, 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT+5)
This category is intended for studies that were not available at the time of the abstract deadline such as clinical trials where the interim analysis is planned for after the abstract deadline. These abstracts are not limited to clinical trials but should include studies with important findings which will impact the field. A limited number of these abstracts will be selected for oral presentation, with the remaining presented as posters if they meet the selection criteria of high impact.

Abstract Embargo Policy

In compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure), accepted abstracts are made available online in advance of the Meeting. These abstracts will also be published as a special supplement to the Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma, & Leukemia Journal
Coverage of information that goes beyond the abstract title, authors, date, and time of presentation (e.g., abstract results, findings, additional analysis, commentary, or updated information from those individuals and companies involved in the study) is embargoed according to the following criteria:

  • For oral presentations: the embargo lifts at the start time of the session in which the presentation is being made.
  • For poster presentations: the embargo lifts when the poster session containing the poster opens for viewing in the morning (i.e., when the posters opens that day). 

Abstracts selected for presentation at the 21st IMS Annual will be available online approximately three weeks prior to the Meeting. Note: The abstract embargo still applies; however, abstracts are made available to attendees to assist in creating their itineraries for the meeting. 

Abstract Elements

Below is a list of the sections required for all abstracts. Do not include any identifying information in the body or title of the abstract.

  • Title – The title should be brief (max 200 characters), but long enough to clearly identify the nature of the presentation. Omit author names, degrees, titles, and institutional appointments. Do not include any identifying information in the title.
  • Abstract Type
    • Oral Abstract – A limited number of high-ranking abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.
    • Poster Abstract – Presenters will make physical posters to present during dedicated poster sessions. Presenters can elect to have an electronic poster in addition to a physical poster. Presenters are required to be with their posters during the poster sessions.
  • Authors – Identify (or add) the primary author and any additional co-authors. A maximum of 25 co-authors can be added to the abstract.
  • Abstract Content & Requirements
    • Blind the body and title of the abstract appropriately. Any identifying information in the content or title fields will be cause for rejection.
    • Please note that the abstract submission system does not accept images or graphics. 
    • Abstract content should be organized into the following sections: Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. If a section does not apply to your abstract, please put ‘n/a’ in that field.
    • Authors should be aware that abstracts will be published as submitted without copyediting. If accepted, all spelling errors, grammar, and misspelled author name/credentials, will be published as submitted.
    • Abstract Text Limit: Up to 3,000 characters, cumulative, including spaces.
  • Abstract Track – Choose the category that best characterizes your abstract.
    • Cellular and T cell engager Immunotherapy
    • MRD and Biomarkers 
    • Myeloma Genomics and Microenvironment and immune profiling
    • Myeloma Novel Drug Targets and agents
    • Plasma Cell precursor and Other Disorders
    • Imaging, QoL and Patient-Reported Outcome and Supportive Care
    • Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Myeloma (excluding t-cell redirection therapy)
    • Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory Myeloma (excluding T-cell redirection therapy)
  • Additional Information – Answer these additional questions for each submitted abstract.
    • Preferred Presentation Format – Oral or Poster
    • If your preferred format is oral and your abstract is selected as a poster, identify if you would like your abstract withdrawn
    • First time submitting an abstract to the IMS meeting
    • If you would like the abstract to be considered for the IMS Young Investigator Award. Eligibility criteria located here
  • Copyright – IMS will hold the copyright for all accepted abstracts.

Review Process

All abstracts will be blinded and peer reviewed according to specific criteria. Poster presentations will be selected on the basis of topic, quality of material, and available space. If a significant number of attendees could obtain or have obtained this information elsewhere, it may cause your abstract to receive a lower rating.

Abstracts will be assessed based on the following points:

  • Is the topic appropriate for the 21st IMS Annual Meeting?
  • Does the research meet appropriate scientific merit?
  • Is the study and data of high quality and is the information well organized?
  • Is there an impact of the results on further studies and or clinical practice?





Please note: All registration fees below are in USD.

In Person Meeting Rates Advance Registration Lower-Middle Income Countries** On-Site Registration
 IMS Member* $750.00 $100.00 $850.00
 Non-Member $1,000.00 $100.00 $1,200.00
 Industry $1,200.00 Not Applicable $1,400.00
 Trainee $100.00 $100.00 $100.00
 Allied Health Professional (AHP)*** $500.00 $100.00 $500.00
 Nursing Symposium Only  $200.00 Not Applicable $200.00
 Guest $300.00 Not Applicable $400.00


Virtual Meeting Rates Access through October 5 Extended access through December 31
 IMS Member* $300.00 $600.00
 Non-Member $500.00 $800.00
 Industry $500.00 $800.00
 Trainee $300.00 $300.00
 Allied Health Professional (AHP) $300.00 $300.00


*You must be an IMS member at the time of registration to receive the member rate. Applicants approved for membership after registering for the meeting will not be refunded the difference between the member and non-member rates.

**A limited number of registrations at the reduced rate are available. Groups are not eligible for the reduced rate.

***Includes access to the 8th Nursing and Allied Health Symposium on Wednesday September 25, 2024


In Person – What’s Included?

  • In person registration
  • Access to the 21st IMS Annual abstract eBook
  • Admission to scientific sessions and posters
  • Includes access to the Nurse Symposium
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Access to CME credits for accredited sessions
  • Certificate of attendance (non-MDs will be provided with a certificate of participation)
  • Access to the 21st IMS Annual mobile application
  • Access to lunches and coffee breaks
  • Extended Virtual access to the 21st IMS Annual Meeting and on-demand access to the session recordings following the IMS. Extended access is available through December 31, 2024.

Virtual Meeting Access – What’s Included?

  • Access to the 21st IMS Annual abstract eBook
  • Virtual admission to scientific sessions and posters
  • Access to CME credits for accredited sessions attended virtually
  • Certificate of attendance (non-MDs will be provided with a certificate of participation)
  • Access to the 21st IMS Annual mobile application
  • Continued access to the platform following the IMS (through October 5 for virtual standard registrations and through December 31 for extended virtual registrations)


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