

◆ 会议时间:2025年9月17-19日
◆ 会议地点:塞尔维亚 贝尔格莱德


◆ 会议简介:


国际外科、消化道和肿瘤科医师协会(IASGO)是国际消化外科领域最具权威的学术组织之一,其前身是1988年由希腊的N.Lygidakis和美国的Stazle(国际“肝脏移植之父”)等倡导并创立的国际外科俱乐部(International Surgical Club),现在70多个国家设有分支机构。IASGO的宗旨是聚集不同领域的医学专家、通过一个结构良好、组织完善的持续医学教育系统,促进医学知识和专业技能的全球化,使每位医学专家都能获得同等的继续医学教育机会及最先进的医学知识及技能,并造福人类。



IASGO 2025 – 36th World Congress of the International Associations of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists (IASGO)

Dates: 17 – 19 September 2025
Venue: Belgrade, Serbia




Important Dates

Call for abstracts: opening
26 March 2024

Abstract submission deadline
15 August 2024

Notification of Acceptance
15 September 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



Welcome Messages

Dear colleagues, Dear friends,

As Secretary Generals of the International Association of Surgeons Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO), we are truly delighted to welcome you, along with Congress President Prof. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, to the 35th Anniversary World Congress of the IASGO, which will take place on November 7-9, 2024 in Cairo, Egypt.

IASGO was initially founded in Amsterdam in 1988 as a unique multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary society to pursue the mission of globalization of the best medical knowledge and practices. We encourage surgeons, gastroenterologists, oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, biologists, and radiologists to join forces with all the partners worldwide in order to realize the mission of IASGO. As we always firmly believed, up-to-date medical knowledge and expertise could and should benefit all communities worldwide and should be made available beyond any discrimination to every patient suffering from difficult-to-treat and life-threatening diseases. IASGO’s leadership strives to implement this vision through a well-structured educational program. The program has a global reach and teaches and promotes multi-disciplinary, collaborative approaches to treating intractable diseases. In this spirit, we are thrilled to continue our decades-long collaboration with the Egyptian Chapter of the IASGO, which will host the IASGO World Congress again this coming fall after a successful Congress in 2010.

We commend the remarkable leadership of Professor Mohamed Abdel Wahab, the President of the IASGO World Congress and President-Elect of IASGO, and Professor Tarek Ibrahim, Secretary General of the IASGO World Congress, as well as the tremendous efforts of the Local Organizing Committee. Working together, they have developed an outstanding multidisciplinary scientific program. On this special occasion of the 35th Anniversary Annual World Congress of IASGO, they joined forces with IASGO leadership. They created one of the highest-level programs that includes international experts from Asia, Europe, and the USA and promising young fellows from the region. This will lead to networking and cross-fertilization among experts at various stages of their careers and diverse interests to promote further collaborative projects at an international level. Friendships are vital in carrying out the mission of IASGO, the Globalization of Medical Knowledge. This landmark IASGO World Congress in Cairo is an excellent opportunity to celebrate with old friends and make new ones.

Cairo is a megacity with must-see historical monuments, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, and is also known as the “Mother of the World.” This exceptional meeting will be, no doubt, a celebration of the latest medical and scientific advancements in cancer treatment but also a wonderful reunion in a historic location. We look forward to seeing you in Cairo!

Kyoichi Takaori

IASGO Secretary General

Dan G. Duda

IASGO Secretary General




Attandee EARLY Fee
ll 15 Sep.
Late Owl Onsite Registration
Congress Registration
(IASGO Members)
400.00 € 500.00 € 600.00 €
Congress Registration
(NON-IASGO Members)
800.00 € 900.00 € 1000.00 €
Membership Only
200.00 € 200.00 € 200.00 €
Congress Registration + IASGO Membership 500,00 € 500,00 € 600,00 €


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