

◆ 会议时间:2025年10月15-17日
◆ 会议地点:瑞典 哥德堡


◆ 会议简介:



ESSO 2025 – 44th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology

Date: 15-17 October 2025
Location: Gothenburg, Swede





Abstract submission will close on Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Abstract Selection Notification

The presenting author will receive the result of the review and the Scientific Committee’s decision on their abstract by email by end of June 2024.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstract Guidelines


The abstract must be submitted in good English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts presented in poor English or request an immediate revision by the presenting author.

Author and Co-Authors

No more than 20 authors can be listed. E-mail address, institutional affiliation, city, and country must be filled in. For cooperative study groups, the group’s name should be used instead of individual institutional affiliations or include the group’s name in the abstract’s title.

Abstract Title

The title of the abstract should be concise and accurately describe the study undertaken. Do not use non-standard abbreviations and commercial names (generic names only).

Abstract Structure

Abstracts should be structured to include the following 4 sections:

  • Background: an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study.
  • Material and methods: a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures.
  • Results (For Surgical Trial Proposals fill in ‘the Feasibility’, for Surgical Trial in Progress fill in the ‘Current status’)
  • Conclusions: a statement of the main conclusions (not needed for ‘Surgical trials proposals’, ‘Surgical trials in Progress’)


The abstract submission system will not accept abstracts that exceed 2900 characters (including the body of the abstract, spaces and 1 table).

Only one data table is permitted in the body of the abstract. Illustrations and figures are not allowed and will be deleted if submitted.



Abbreviations may be used if standard or if spelt out and defined at the first use. Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases. Commercial names are admitted in the text, with an ®, and if in brackets following the generic name, i.e., “generic (Commercial ®)”.

Abstract Platform

Abstracts can only be submitted online.

Abstracts submitted by e-mail or fax will not be considered. The abstract submission system for the ESSO 43 will only be accessible on the congress website.

Step-by-step instructions will be provided within the submission system. Submitters can edit their abstracts until the deadline of 15 May 2024.

Abstract Confirmation

An e-mail confirming receipt of the abstract submitted online will be sent to the presenting author.

An abstract number will be allocated and should be mentioned for any queries relating to the submitted abstract.

Abstract Review

Abstracts submitted for presentation at the ESSO 43 Congress will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the field of the subject and will be judged solely on the data submitted.
The final decision on the presentation format of all selected abstracts lies at the sole discretion of the Scientific Committee.





Registration fees

Early registration

Available until 17 July 2024 
Physician Physician Low, Low-Middle and Upper-Middle income countries Resident, Nurse, Student
ESSO Member € 545 € 385 € 325
Non-Member € 780 € 470 € 420


All fees include 21% VAT
Member rate only applies if you are a member at the moment of registration
Low, Low-Middle and Upper Middle income countries

Standard Registration

Available from 18 July – 04 September 2024 
Physician Physician Low, Low-Middle and Upper-Middle income countries Resident, Nurse, Student
ESSO Member € 655 € 415 € 390
Non-Member € 890 € 510 € 460


All fees include 21% VAT
Member rate only applies if you are a member at the moment of registration
Low, Low-Middle and Upper Middle income countries

Late & Onsite Registration

Available from 05 September 2024 
Physician Physician Low, Low-Middle and Upper-Middle income countries Resident, Nurse, Student
ESSO Member € 765 € 415 € 485
Non-Member € 995 € 510 € 535
One-day registration € 540 N/A € 540


All fees include 21% VAT
Member rate only applies if you are a member at the moment of registration
Low, Low-Middle and Upper Middle income countries





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