◆ 会议时间:2025年7月9-12日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年世界甲状腺癌大会(WCTC2025)将于2025年7月9-12日在美国波士顿举行。WCTC的宗旨是在所有参与者之间建立一个多学科的讨论甲状腺癌的管理和研究的氛围;讨论并展示全球甲状腺肿瘤领域管理和研究方面的所有最新成果,并为未来甲状腺癌的研究、发展方向奠定基础。预计有来自世界各地的1400余名与会者代表参加。未经本站许可禁止复制转载摘录镜像本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。 WCTC 2025 – World Congress on Thyroid Cancer Date: July 9-12, 2025 WCTC has become established as the largest – and most highly regarded – International meeting dedicated to improving the care of patients with thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer. Clinically focused and taking a truly multi-disciplinary approach, this meeting is unique in attracting Surgeons, Endocrinologists, Medical Oncologists, Pathologists and other professionals dedicated to the field of thyroid oncology. The previous in-person meetings had more than 1000 attendees, and the recent virtual programs have attracted more than 1500 unique, real-time attendees with thousands of additional viewers via the on-line content following the meetings.
ABSTRACT CATEGORIESAbstracts can be submitted under the following themes/ categories:
PRESENTATION FORMATSAbstracts can be submitted for presentation in one of the following formats: 1. ORAL PRESENTATIONBecause of the severe time constraints of the Congress, only a small number of selected Oral Presentation slots will be available. Presenting authors will be informed and offered an alternative presentation category (e.g. poster) if their abstract is not selected for oral presentation. All oral presentations will have a scheduled day and time, which will be shared with the presenting authors once the program has been finalized. Oral presentations will consist of an 8-minute presentation with 6 minutes discussion between every 3 presentations. Oral presentation submission guidelines 2. ePOSTER PRESENTATION (electronic posters)There will be several ePoster presentation sessions throughout the duration of the Congress. Each poster will have a specified time during which the judges will review the presentation. Please be sure that the presenting author is present at the poster for the judging process during these times. Be prepared to provide a 5 minute oral summary of your poster, followed by a 3 minute review and discussion. ePoster submission guidelines 3. VIDEO PRESENTATIONPresentations of videos will be followed by a short discussion. The film duration should not exceed 7 minutes. This will be followed by 5 minutes of facilitated discussion. The author should be present to narrate (in clear English). Video submission guidelines
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