◆ 会议时间:2025年7月17-20日 ◆ 会议地点:加拿大 蒙特利尔
◆ 会议简介: 2025年第20届心血管CT学会(SCCT)年会将2025年7月17-20日在加拿大蒙特利尔举行。SCCT年会旨在让医生和医疗保健专业人士参与心血管CT解读,全面探索心血管CT原理、方法、适宜性标准和临床实践领域的最新进展。教学讲座、基于图像的案例以及心血管CT的研究,旨在提高医生和技术人员执行和解读心血管CT的能力和运用。 心血管CT学会(SCCT)成立于2005年,是致力于心血管计算机断层扫描技术(CCT)研究、教育、临床应用的国际专业会员组织,其成员来自全球60多个国家。SCCT的宗旨是通过专业的教育促进心血管CT的最佳临床效果,建立质量保证和专业培训标准,制定循证医学指南以加强患者的护理,提高宣心血管医学实践的质量;通过培训和认证确保心血管CT最高水准的应用;支持协调研究工作,促进心血管CT的进一步发展和应用,调查心血管诊断的准确性、有效性和成本效益;作为心血管CT的倡导者,与医疗行业及相关组织进行交流;与其他相关社团建立密切的工作关系。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com) SCCT 2025 – 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Date: July 17 – 20, 2025
摘要征文投稿: INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING ABSTRACTS There are two types of abstracts accepted for submission — standard abstracts and Standard abstracts are considered for presentations and should consist of technical or clinical research. Educational abstracts are designed to teach or review imaging signs, pathologic correlations, procedures, techniques, treatments and interventions or other aspects related to the practice of imaging. Deadline for abstract submission is Friday, March 7, 2025 11:59 PM, Eastern Time. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE Notification of acceptance will be sent to the presenting author after the review period is complete. Only the person who is listed as the presenting author will be notified. It is up to this person to notify the remainder of the co-authors. **PLEASE NOTE: First Authors and presenters who are employed by an ineligible company will not be considered for the Best Abstract Award or the Young Investigators Award. The ACCME defines “ineligible company” as any company whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. The ACCME does not consider companies whose mission and function are: (1) providing clinical services directly to patients; or (2) the education of healthcare professionals; or (3) serving as fiduciary to patients, the public, or population health to be ineligible companies. PRIOR PRESENTATION/PUBLICATION POLICY AND EMBARGO POLICY When submitting an abstract to any SCCT Meeting, the First Authors agree to the Prior Presentation/Publication Policy and Embargo Policy on behalf of all parties involved with the work on which the abstract is based. The First Author is responsible for communicating the policies to all involved parties, including co-authors and grantors, complying with these policies, and will be held accountable for any policy violations of the abstract. Prior to the SCCT Meeting, the contents and conclusions of the abstract must not be presented at or published in conjunction with any scientific, medical, or educational meeting with the exception of study results presented at closed (non-public) meetings, such as investigator or cooperative group meetings, so long as no meeting materials are publicly disseminated. In addition, the contents and conclusions of the abstract are embargoed and must not be published in a scientific, medical, or educational publication (in any medium), in whole or in part, before the abstract is published online by SCCT and/or presented at the SCCT Meeting to which it was submitted. Once an abstract has been publicly released by SCCT and the embargo has lifted, you may widely distribute a press release containing the full data, including any additional or updated data that will be presented at the meeting even if not included in the abstract itself. STANDARD ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS
See the follow abstract example for formatting: 1. Abstract Categories and Keywords: SCCT supplies abstract categories to help you group your abstract into a broad subject area. Please select the category that best suits your work to assist us in placing your submission in the appropriate session. 2. SCCT-Best Abstract Award: A panel of judges will review the top-scoring abstract presentations and select winners. This award is open to all abstracts submitted to the annual scientific meeting. No separate application is necessary. 3. Canon Young Investigator Awards (YIA) – Sponsored by an educational grant from Canon Medical Systems, Inc.: Criteria:
How to apply for the YIA competition Authors who do not submit both an abstract and a mini manuscript will not be considered. YIA Award abstracts that are not selected as finalists are still eligible for regular abstract sessions.
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