第五届物联网与机器学习国际会议(IoTML 2025)将于2025年5月16-18日在中国南昌召开。会议将围绕着物联网和机器学习开展,探讨本领域发展所面临的关键性挑战问题和研究方向,以期推动该领域理论、技术在高校和企业的发展和应用,为专注于该研究领域的创新学者、工程师和工业专家提供一个交流新想法、展示研究成果的有利平台。
- 广州大学
- 南昌大学
- 福州大学
- 南昌航空大学
- 天津工业大学
- 会议征稿主题包括但不限于:
- 物联网大数据
- 物联网开放平台
- 物联网可穿戴设备
- 物联网人工智能
- 基于物联网的智慧城市解决方案
- 基于物联网的智能家居
- 基于物联网的智能教育系统
- 基于物联网的机器人
- 物联网中的安全、隐私和信任
- 物联网标准及应用场景
- 基于物联网的企业管理
- 基于物联网的业务流程管理
- 基于物联网的自动驾驶
- 基于物联网的智能制造
- 物联网人工智能
- 工业物联网应用
- 物联网数据挖掘平台
- 农业物联网应用
- 开放服务平台
- 环境监测
- 物联网语义服务
- 物联网教育
- 物联网业务系统
- 智能交通
- 物联网应用支持
- 未来物联网的开放主题
- 物联网测试平台和部署
- 人工智能
- 机器学习和分析
- 神经网络
- 通信、连接和网络
- 计算——从边缘到云
- 网络安全、安全和隐私
- 基础设施、设备和组件
- 来自多媒体和异构源的信息处理
- 实验、演示和试验以及部署经验的结果
- 社会和社会影响
- 系统工程、集成方法和运营技术
- 理论基础、设计方法和架构考虑深入和强化学习
- 网络的模式识别和分类
- 用于网络切片优化的机器学习
- 机器学习5G系统
- 用于用户行为预测的机器学习
- 新的创新器学习方法
- 优化机器学习方法
- 机器学习算法的性能分析
- 机器学习的实验评估
- 异构网络中的数据挖掘
- 机器学习多媒体
- 物联网机器学习
- 机器学习的安全和保护
- 分布式和分散式机器学习算法
- 数据分析和挖掘
- 模式识别
221年物联网与机器学习国际学术会议(IoTML 221)已顺利见刊,完成EI、SCOPUS检索。
第二届物联网与机器学习国际学术会议(IoTML 222)已顺利见刊,完成EI、SCOPUS检索。
第三届物联网与机器学习国际学术会议(IoTML 223)已顺利见刊,完成EI、SCOPUS检索。
会议的所有投稿需经过3轮专家审稿,并提交至组委会复核,经过严格的审稿之后,最终录用的论文见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex和Scopus检索。
– About IoTML 2025 –
In this era of rapid technological development we gather together to explore the integration and innovation of the Internet of Things and machine learning. This conference will be held in Nanchang China from May 16th to 18th 2025. We look forward to sharing cutting-edge research exchanging practical experience and looking forward to future trends with you.
With the continuous advancement of IoT technology and the rapid development of machine learning the combination of the two is bringing profound changes to various industries. IoTML 2025 aims to provide a high-level communication platform for global researchers industry experts and academics promoting the collision and innovation of academic ideas. We hope that through this meeting we can gather the essence of ideas from different fields and promote the in-depth application of the Internet of Animals and machine learning in smart cities smart transportation medical health and other fields.
This conference will invite top experts from various fields to give keynote speeches and share their latest research achievements in the intersection of the Internet of Things and machine learning. At the same time we will also set up multiple thematic discussions and paper exchange sessions to encourage participants to actively participate and share their research and practical experience. This is not only an opportunity to showcase achievements but also a good opportunity to delve into cutting-edge issues and learn from each other with peers.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date:March 22 2025
Notification Deadline:April 25 2025
Registration Date:May 2 2025
Conference Dates:May 16-18 2025
Welcome to Join IoTML 2025
As Author
If you would like to present your latest research at the conference and publish paper in IoTML 2025 you are welcome to submit your full paper.
As Reviewer
To ensure the fairness and guarantee the quality of IoTML 2025 We cordially invite experts and scholars join us as a reviewer.
As Listener
IoTML 2025 is an unmissable conference. It is a good chance and an effective platform for you to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the field of the latest academic research. You are warmly welcome to attend this conference even if you do not need to present a paper.
As Presenter
If you are only interested in giving a presentation at the conference without publishing your paper in the proceedings you can choose to attend IoTML 2025 as a Presenter. As a presenter you need to submit the Abstract your presentation.
Call For Papers
2025 5th International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning provides a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Internet of Things and Machine Learning. The conference will bring together leading researchers social workers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
■ Connectivity Security and Privacy for IoT
- 1. IoT architecture with 5G and beyond networks
- 2. Multiple access IoT access networks and network backhaul with 5G and beyond
- 3. Cooperative communication techniques for IoT
- 4. Software defined networking solutions for IoT
- 5. Efficient resource allocation schemes QoS and QoE in IoT
- 6. Energy efficiency and wirelessly powered IoT
- 7. Massive connectivity in IoT
- 8. Critical and URLLC IoT
- 9. IoT short range communications
- 1. Blockchain solutions for IoT
- 11. Cryptography key management authentication and authorization for IoT
- 12. IoT privacy and security concerns tests certification and labelling
- 13. IoT security of smart sustainable cities
- 14. 6G-enabled IoT
■ IoT Applications and Services
- 1. Architectures of IoT services
- 2. Smart homes cities and grids fundamentals and issues
- 3. Smart Health
- 4. Smart supply chain and framing
- 5. Smart Manufacturing
- 6. Smart Transportation
- 7. Tools and technologies for IoT services
- 8. Business models for IoT applications
■ Internet of Things and Intelligent Technology
- 1. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network
- 2. Vehicle Network
- 3. Network Coding Technology
- 4. Network Architecture and Protocol
- 5. Artificial Neural Network
- 6. Optical Networks and Optical Wireless Converged Networks
- 7. Cognitive Radio Network
- 8. Distributed Computing
- 9. Information Retrieval
- 1. Ubiquitous Computing
- 11. High Performance Computing
- 12. Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- 13. Cloud Computing
- 14. Next Generation Network and Internet
All papers submitted to IoTML 2025 will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.
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