第六届电子通讯与人工智能国际学术会议(ICECAI 2025)将于2025年5月23-25日在中国-合肥举行。ICECAI 2025会议将邀请国内外著名专家就以传播电子通讯及人工智能方法和技术领域的技术进步、研究成果和应用做专题报告,同时进行学术交流。诚邀国内外相关高校和科研院所的科研人员、企业工程技术人员等参加会议。 我们期待您的参与。
*IWECAI 22:EI Indexed Scopus Indexed(会后3个月内被EI核心, SCOPUS检索)
*IWECAI 221:EI Indexed Scopus Indexed(会后2个月内被EI核心, SCOPUS检索)
*IWECAI 222:EI Indexed Scopus Indexed(会后4个月内被EI核心, SCOPUS检索)
*ICECAI 223: EI Compendex Scopus(会后3个月内被EI核心, SCOPUS检索)
*ICECAI 224: EI Compendex Scopus(会后5个月内被EI核心, SCOPUS检索)
- 1) 人工智能
- 2) 生物信息学
- 3) 软件工程
- 4) VLSI设计与制造
- 5) 光子技术
- 1) QoS设置和架构
- 2) 电信服务与应用
- 3) 无线网络
- 4) 光通信多媒体通信
- 5) 网络性能
- 1) 环境智能
- 2) 人工智能
- 3) 自动推理
- 4) 大脑建模与仿真
- 5) 常识推理
- 1) 计算力学
- 2) 生物信息学
- 3) 神经网络
- 4) 模式识别
- 5) 自然语言处理
本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核后,最终所录用的论文将以论文集的形式提交出版,出版后将提交至EI, SCOPUS数据库。
3、作者可通过CrossCheck, iThenticate或其他查重系统自费查重,否则由文章重复率引起的被拒搞将由作者自行承担责任。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版,且公布在会议主页。
1. 作为投稿者参会:投稿全文经审稿后文章被录用,可在会议现场进行口头报告或海报展示等。
2. 作为报告者参会(无投稿):报名时提交报告的标题和摘要,并在会议上进行口头报告或海报展示。
3. 作为听众参会:出席并参加本次会议, 可全程旁听会议所有展示报告。
– About ICECAI 2025 –
2025 6th International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence
The 6th International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (ICECAI 2025) scheduled to take place in Hefei China from May 23-25 2025 serves as the premier platform for the exchange of technological advancements research findings and practical applications in the fields of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Technologies. This annual conference offers a valuable opportunity for researchers and industry experts to engage in face-to-face discussions fostering an ideal environment for sharing perspectives and experiences related to electronic communication and artificial intelligence. We cordially invite your participation in ICECAI 2025 and eagerly anticipate your attendance.
● The 5th International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (ICECAI 224) was successfully held in Guangzhou China from May 31 to June 2 224. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the participants and conference members.
● The 4th International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (ICECAI 223) was successfully held in Guangzhou China from May 12-14 223. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the participants and conference members.
● The 3rd International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI 222) was successfully held in Zhuhai China from January 14-16 222. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the participants and conference members.
● The 2nd International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI 221) was successfully held in Nanjing China from March 12-14 221. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the participants and conference members.
● The 22 International Conference on Electronic Communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI 22) was successfully held in Qingdao China from June 12-14 22. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the participants and conference members.
Full Paper Submission Date:March 15 2025
Registration Deadline:April 1 2025
Final Paper Submission Date:April 17 2025
Conference Dates:May 25-25 2025
1. Conference Proceedings
All accepted full papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
-Publication History
224 5th International Conference on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence (ICECAI 224) was successfully held in Shenzhen China during May 31- June 2 224. Conference proceedings published by IEEE .
223 4th International Conference on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence (ICECAI 223) was successfully held in Guangzhou China during May 12-14 223. Conference proceedings published by IEEE .
222 3rd International Conference on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI 222) was successfully held in Zhuhai China during January 14-16 222. Conference proceedings published by IEEE CPS .
221 2nd International Conference on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI 221) was successfully held in Nanjing China during March 12-14 221. Conference proceedings published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).
22 International Conference on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence (IWECAI 22) was successfully held in Qingdao China during June 12-14 22. Conference proceedings published by CPS.
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
Information and Communication Engineering
- 1) Artificial Intelligence
- 2) Bioinformatics
- 3) Software Engineering
- 4) VLSI Design and Fabrication
- 5) Photonic Technologies
- 6) Parallel and Distributed Computing
- 7) Data Mining
- 8) Cryptography
- 9) Algorithms and Data Structures
- 1) Graphs and Combinatorics
- 11) E-commerce and E-learning
- 12) Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- 13) Signal Processing
- 14) em
bedded System
- 15) Communication and Wireless Systems
- 16) Multimedia Systems and Applications
- 17) Emerging Technologies
Electronics and Communications Engineering
- 1)QoS Provisioning and Architectures
- 2)Telecommunication Services and Applications
- 3)Wireless Networking
- 4)Optical Communications Multimedia Communications
- 5)Network Performance
- 6)Innovative Networking Technologies
- 7)Network Security
- 8)Network Planning and Design
- 9)Software Technology in communication Engineering
Intelligent System
- 1) Ambient Intelligence
- 2) Artificial Intelligence
- 3) Automated Reasoning
- 4) Brain Modeling and Simulation
- 5) Commonsense Reasoning
- 6) Computational Intelligence
- 7) Conceptual Inference and Reasoning
- 8) Deep Learning
- 9) Evolutionary Computing
- 1) Expert Systems
- 11) Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- 12) Genetic Algorithms
- 13) Inductive and Transductive Inference
- 14) Intelligence and Perception
- 15) Intelligent Behavior
- 16) Intelligent Control
- 17) Intelligent Data Analysis
- 18) Intelligent Data Mining
- 19) Intelligent Fault DiagnosisIntelligent Measurement
- 2) Intelligent Medical Diagnostics
- 21) Intelligent Networks
- 22) Intelligent Security Systems
- 23) Intelligent Signal Processing
- 24) Knowledge Acquisition Discovery and Representation
- 25) Machine Learning
- 26) Natural Language Processing
- 27) Neural Computation
- 28) Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
- 29) Optimization
- 3) Pattern Recognition
- 31) Planning and Scheduling
- 32) Probabilistic Reasoning
- 33) Soft Computing
- 34) Swarm Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence & Applications
- 1) Computational Mechanics
- 2) Bioinformatics
- 3) Neural Networks
- 4) Pattern Recognition
- 5) Natural Language Processing
- 6) Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools
- 7) Programming Languages
- 8) em
bedded System and Software
- 9) Sensor Design
- 1) Opto-Electronic Elements and Materials
- 11) Industrial Automation
- 12) Automatic Control
- 13) Mechatronics
- 14) Artificial Intelligence Tools & Applications
- 15) AI Applied to the IoT
- 16) Health Big Data
- 17) Intelligent Manufacturing
- 18) Intelligent Communication
Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
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