第四届科学教育与艺术鉴赏国际学术会议(SEAA 2025)将于2025年6月6-8日在马来西亚-吉隆坡召开。会议主要围绕会议主要围绕“科学教育”“艺术鉴赏”等研究领域展开讨论。旨在为该领域的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。
■ 科学教育
- 教育史
- 中文教育
- 教育学原理
- 教育心理学
- 教学实践
- 课程与教学论
- 学前教育学
- 高等教育学
- 体育学及体育教育
- 职业教育
- 特殊教育
- 混合学习
- 教育技术研究
- 网络教育与培训
- 教育游戏和模拟
- 虚拟和远程教育
- 教学设计与技术
- 课程设计与创新
- 创新教育系统与应用
- 跨学科研究
- 英语教育
- 语言教学
■ 艺术鉴赏
- 音乐与舞蹈学
- 戏剧与影视学
- 文学和诗歌
- 美术与动画
- 播音主持
- 摄影与电影制作
- 艺术学理论
- 设计学,艺术设计
- 美学原理
- 文化产业
- 宗教研究
- 历史和地理
- 中外文化史
- 数字媒体技术
- 影视管理
- 中国书画
- 数字媒体技术
- 表演艺术
- 景观规划设计
- 文化产业
- 美学鉴赏
1、所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将由SEAA 2025会议论文集出版,见刊后将提交CPCI和CNKI检索。
◆会议论文模板下载→ 前往“资料下载”栏目下载
2、SEAA 2025合作英文普刊
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research (JCER)(《当代教育研究》)Online ISSN: 229-265X
Journal of Contemporary Educational Research (JCER)(《当代教育研究》)得到了世界各地教育专家学者的支持与响应,陆续有来自于中国、美国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、印度、马来西亚、意大利、巴西等多个国家的1多位学者加入其编委会,其中部分编委的H指数在1-3之间,在业内具有良好的声望。
3、SEAA 2025合作英文期刊
《基础设施、政策与发展杂志》(JIPD) 是一本多学科、双盲同行评审期刊,致力于发表有关基础设施、经济发展和公共政策的高质量文章。期刊名称中的“基础设施”、“发展”和“政策”三个词是本刊的核心。JIPD已被Scopus和ESCI收录,在本刊上发表文章的作者将享受最大程度的曝光。
征稿主题: 教育系统、医疗保健系统、社会制度、制度改革、城市发展、绿色发展、适应气候变化的基础设施、基础设施融资、基础设施管理,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。
《语言研究论坛》(FLS)是由Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd.出版的国际同行评议期刊,旨在发表语言学和应用语言学以及语言哲学的最新研究成果。该期刊服务于广泛的读者群体,包括语言研究人员、语言学家、教师、教育工作者、从业人员以及对语言和语言学感兴趣的人士。
征稿主题: 音韵学、句法学、语义学、语用学、认知功能语言学、对话研究、语言教学、语言习得、语言政策、语言哲学、语言景观学,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。
征稿主题: 环境与人类行为之间的联系、环境与人类心理之间的联系、环境对社会心理学的影响,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。
– Welcome to SEAA 2025 –
* Time background:
As a leading role in the global megatrend of scientific innovation China has been creating a more and more open environment for scientific innovation increasing the depth and breadth of academic cooperation and building a community of innovation that benefits all. These endeavors have made new contribution to globalization and creating a community of shared future.
2025 4th International Conference on Science Education and Art Appreciation (SEAA 2025) will be held on June 6-8 2025 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. It aims to encourage exchange of information on research frontiers in different fields connect the most advanced academic resources in China and abroad turn research results into industrial solutions bring together talents technologies and capital to boost development. The purpose of the conference is to provide an international platform for experts scholars engineers and technicians and technical R&D personnel engaged in related fields such as “Science Education“ and “Art Appreciation“ to share scientific research results broaden research ideas collide with new ideas and strengthen academic researchand to explore the key challenges and research directions faced by the development of this field and promote the industrialization cooperation of academic achievements. Experts scholars business people and other relevant personnel from universities and research institutions at home and abroad are cordially invited to attend and exchange.
* About Science Education and Art Appreciation:
In contemporary society we have begun to reflect seriously on the negative effects caused by neglecting humanities while paying too much attention to science education and have begun to pay attention to infiltrating human humanistic spirit in science. As one of the core of humanities art embodies strong humanistic spirit. Human ideals aspirations emotions morality and other humanistic characteristics are contained in the artistic works created by artists from different histories and countries. Therefore the art curriculum has the humanistic nature and bears the task of cultivating students‘ humanistic spirit. Not only make students influenced by good art but also make them have a positive spiritual pursuit get rid of the shackles of material interests but also make them have a sense of civilization and history.
Full Paper Submission Date:May 6 2025
Registration Deadline:May 16 2025
Final Paper Submission Date:May 26 2025
Conference Dates:June 6-8 2025
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
■ Education
- ◆ Science of education history of education
- ◆ Educational psychology teaching practice
- ◆ Physical education physical mental health
- ◆ Pedagogy principles Curriculum and pedagogy
- ◆ Preschool education higher education
- ◆ Psychology physical education
- ◆ Vocational and technical education
- ◆ Special pedagogy
- ◆ Educational Technology
- ◆ Humanities and sociology of Sports
■ Art
- ◆ Language art theor
- ◆ Art animation
- ◆ Drama film and television management
- ◆ Design art design
- ◆ Music and dance
- ◆ broadcasting
- ◆ Landscape planning and design
- ◆ Literature fiction appreciation The international literature
- ◆ History spread
- ◆ Translation aesthetics
Submit to Conference Proceedings (CPCI、CNKI)
All accepted full papers will be published in SEAA 2025 Conference proceedings and will be submitted to CPCI/CNKI for indexing.
Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
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