2025年第五届先进材料与机械电子国际学术会议(ICAMM 2025)将于2025年5月9-11日在中国大连隆重举行。当今先进材料研发水平及产业化规模已成为衡量一个国家或地区的经济社会发展、科技进步和国防实力的重要标志。会议旨在为从事新材料、机械、电子等领域的专家学者、工程技术人员、研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,了解学术发展趋势,拓宽研究思路,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员投稿与参会。
ICAMM 2025为了让更多学者有机会参与会议分享交流经验,以“半导体与电子,电路”为主题,对细化主题方向进行深入探讨,沟通交流见解。我们热情邀请您参加2025年第五届先进材料与机械电子国际学术会议,并期待在大连与您见面!
- 1. 材料力学
- 2. 结构力学
- 3. 力学动力学及其应用
- 4. 机械传动原理及应用
- 5. 高级电磁学
- 6. 激光物理与技术
- 7. 高速信号互连及其物理机制的研究
- 8. 辐照电子学
- 9. 材料成型工艺与装备
- 1. 半导体材料
- 11. 电子材料
- 12. 微/纳米材料
- 13. 光学/电子/磁性材料
本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核之后,最终所录用的论文将被出版社收录出版,出版后提交至EI Compendex和Scopus检索。本会议检索历史良好!可放心投稿。
1. 听众参会:不投稿仅参会听会,无任何展示;
2. 口头报告:演讲1-15分钟,需提前准备演讲PPT;
3. 海报展示:报名时,需提供一份A1竖版尺寸的彩色电子版的海报(JPG格式);
– About ICAMM 2025 –
The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Mechatronics (ICAMM 2025) is scheduled to take place in Dalian China from May 9-11 2025. We cordially invite experts scholars scientific and technological professionals as well as graduate students specializing in the field of materials and mechatronics from both domestic and international backgrounds to submit their research papers and actively participate in this conference.
Nowadays the research and development level as well as the industrialization scale of advanced materials have become crucial indicators for measuring a country or region‘s economic and social development scientific and technological progress and national defense capabilities. In comparison to traditional mechanical manufacturing composite mechanical and electronic engineering along with its integration of artificial intelligence technology offer even greater potential applications that can effectively meet the demands of increasingly complex industrial production and manufacturing in this era of highly developed industrial capacity. The integration of advanced materials with mechanical and electronic systems along with the mutual promotion and dissemination of relevant research findings significantly impact the development of various fields in China. This holds immense significance in accelerating social advancement and transformation while seizing the commanding heights of a new wave of scientific and technological revolution. The ob
jective of this conference is to establish a communication bridge for experts scholars and professionals from diverse backgrounds within the materials and electromechanical field facilitating and promoting interdisciplinary intersectionality.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date:April 1 2025
Registration Deadline:April 3 2025
Final Paper Submission Date:April 3 2025
Conference Dates:May 9-11 2025
Call For Papers
The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Mechatronics (ICAMM 2025) will bring together leading researchers engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
- 1. Mechanics of materials
- 2. Optical/electronic/magnetic materials
- 3. Advanced electromagnetism
- 4. Laser Physics and Technology
- 5 Study on high-speed signal interconnection and its physical mechanism
- 6. Irradiation electronics
- 7. Material forming process and equipment
- 8. Semiconductor materials
- 9. Electronic materials
- 1. Micro/nanomaterials
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.
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