第四届密码学、网络安全与通信技术国际会议(CNSCT 2025)将于2025年1月17-19日,在中国郑州盛大启幕。本次会议旨在汇聚全球密码学、网络安全与通信技术领域的顶尖学者、研究人员与行业领袖,共同探索计算机科学的最新进展与未来趋势。
Carlos Becker Westphall
IEEE Senior Member
Carlos Becker Westphall分别于1985年和1988年获得巴西里约热内卢南里奥格兰德州联邦大学电气工程学士学位和计算机科学硕士学位,并于1991年获得法国图卢兹第三大学Paul Sabatier计算机科学博士学位。他目前是圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学信息与统计系的教授,也是网络与管理实验室的负责人。
Hamed Taherdoost
IEEE Senior Member
Hamed Taherdoost是一位屡获殊荣的领导者和研发专业人士。他是哈姆塔集团|哈姆塔商业公司的创始人,加拿大西部大学副教授。他在工业和学术界都有2多年的经验。他曾在塞浦路斯、英国、马耳他、马来西亚和加拿大的国际公司工作,并积极参与不同行业的多个项目的开发;医疗保健、交通、住宅、石油和天然气以及IT。除了工业,他还在世界三个不同地区,即东南亚、中东和北美担任大学讲师。目前,他是Westcliff大学的兼职教授,加拿大Futurpreneur公司的导师,英国剑桥学者出版咨询委员会,CI Solutions Ltd、Innotek Consulting Ltd和Quark Minded Technology Inc的高级技术顾问,加拿大大学西部分校研究和学术活动委员会主席。
Abid Yahya
IEEE Senior Member
Abid Yahya(IEEE高级会员)拥有巴基斯坦白沙瓦工程技术大学电气和电子工程以及电信学士学位,以及马来西亚塞恩斯大学无线和移动系统硕士和博士学位。他目前就职于博茨瓦纳国际科技大学,由于他的实践知识和教育经验,该大学聘请他为大型企业提供许多咨询工作。他是博茨瓦纳工程师注册委员会(ERB)认证的专业工程师。除了在知名期刊、会议和书籍上发表了14多篇文章外,他还获得了多个资助来源的众多奖项和资助。
Noor Zaman Jhanjhi
Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Noor Zaman Jhanjhi教授目前担任马来西亚泰勒大学计算机科学创新与技术学院教授|研究生研究项目[计算]项目主任|智能社会5.中心[CSS5]主任,以及网络安全集群负责人。
Prem Kumar Singh
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management
Prem Kumar Singh博士是数据科学、图形分析和软计算领域的研究人员、演讲者和院士。他在这一领域拥有超过15年的经验。目前,他担任GITAM-Visakhapatnam(被视为大学)计算机科学与工程系的正教授。他已完成马来西亚吉隆坡马来亚大学移动云计算实验室UM.C/625/1/HIR/MOE/FCSIT/3的博士后研究。
CNSCT 2025的所有投稿需经过3轮专家审稿,并提交至组委会复核。在几轮审稿过程中,审核结果和修改评论意见都将通过艾思系统发送通知,请作者留意系统信息。经过严格的审稿之后,最终录用的论文见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex和Scopus数据库检索。
◆ EI会议的稿件排版后不得少于4页。
◆ 会议仅接受全英稿件。如需翻译服务,请联系会议老师。
◆ 发表论文的作者需提交全文进行同行评审,仅做报告不发表论文,只需提交摘要。
◆ 论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版。
◆ 作者可通过CrossCheck, iThenticate查重或其他查重系统自费查重,由文章重复率引起的被拒搞,将由作者自行承担。
◆ 在稿件录用付费后,因个人原因需撤稿,需扣除3%注册费用。
About CNSCT 2025
2025 4th International Conference on Cryptography Network Security and Communication Technology
The 4th International Conference on Cryptography Network Security and Communication Technology (CNSCT 2025) will grandly kick off from January 17-19 2025 in Thailand. The purpose of this conference is to gather top scholars researchers and industry leaders in the fields of cryptography network security and communication technology from around the world to jointly explore the latest developments and future trends in computer science.
Internet of Things Planned highlights of CNSCT 2025 include:
● Addresses and presentations by some of the most respected researchers in the Network Security and Communication Technology
● Panel discussions
● Presentations of accepted academic and practitioner research papers; a poster paper session
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date
November 1 224
Notification Deadline
December 15 224
Final Paper Submission Date
December 29 224
Conference Dates
January 17-19 2025
Conference Chair
Carlos Becker Westphall the Federal University of Santa Catarina Brazil
BIO: Carlos Becker Westphall received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil in 1985 and 1988 respectively and the D.Sc. degree in computer science from the Université Toulouse III–Paul Sabatier France in 1991.He is currently a Professor with the Department of Informatics and Statistics the Federal University of Santa Catarina and the Leader of the Networks and Management Laboratory.
Hamed Taherdoost University of Canada West Canada
BIO: Hamed Taherdoost is an award-winning leader and R&D professional. He is founder of the Hamta Group | Hamta Business Corporation and Associate Professor at University Canada West. He has over 2 years of experience in both industry and academia sectors. He has worked at international companies from Cyprus the UK Malta Iran Malaysia and Canada and has been highly involved in development of several projects in different industries; healthcare transportation residential oil and gas and IT. Apart from industry he has been a university lecturer in three different parts of the world Southeast Asia the Middle East and North America. Currently he is an Adjunct Professor at Westcliff University mentor at Futurpreneur Canada Advisory Board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing UK Senior Technical Consultant at CI Solutions Ltd Innotek Consulting Ltd & Quark Minded Technology Inc and Chair of Research and Scholarly Activities Committee at University Canada West.
He is a certified cybersecurity technologist and a senior member of IEEE IAEEEE IASED & IEDRC Fellow Member of ISAC WGM of IFIP TC11 member of CSIAC ACT-IAC and AASHE. Hamed has been an active multidisciplinary researcher and R&D specialist involved in several academic and industrial research projects. Currently he is involved in several multidisciplinary research projects including studying innovation in information technology blockchain and cybersecurity people’s behavior and technology acceptance.
Program Committee Chairs
Abid Yahya Botswana International University of Science and Technology Botswana
BIO: Abid Yahya (Senior Member IEEE) received the bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronic engineering and in telecommunication from the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Peshawar Pakistan and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in wireless and mobile systems from Universiti Sains Malaysia. He is currently with the Botswana International University of Science and Technology which has employed him because of his practical knowledge and educational experience to aid them in many consulting jobs for giant enterprises. He is a Professional Engineer certified by the Botswana Engineers Registration Board (ERB). In addition to having more than 14 publications in renowned journals conferences and books he has received numerous awards and grants from multiple funding sources. Additionally he has taught countless master’s and Ph.D. degree students. Universities all over the country and around the world study his books.
Noor Zaman Jhanjhi Taylor’s University Malaysia
BIO: Professor Dr Noor Zaman Jhanjhi is currently working as a Professor | Programme Director – of Postgraduate Research Programmes [Computing] |Director of the Center for Smart Society 5. [CSS5] and Cluster Head for the Cybersecurity cluster at the School of Computer Science Faculty of Innovation and Technology Taylor’s University Malaysia. Highlights of the research profile summary are as follows
Highlights of Profile Summary
1. World‘s Top 2% Scientist for two consecutive years 222 and 223
2. Vice Chancellor’s Award Taylor’s University Most Cited Researcher for 223
3. Outstanding Faculty Member nominated by MDEC Malaysia for the year 222
3. Top Researcher/Scientist in Malaysia for the field of Computer Science ba
sed on SciVal Scopus data 222
4. 24 years of Teaching Research and development Experience in the fields of Cybersecurity Security Internet of Things (IoT) security Wireless Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Ad hoc Networks Machine Learning and Software Engineering at Taylor’s University Malaysia King Faisal University Saudi Arabia ILMA University British University Vietnam.
Publication Chair
Lu Leng Nanchang Hangkong University China
BIO: Professor Lu Leng previously held the position of a professor in the Department of Data Science and Technology at the School of Software Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. During his tenure (November 221) he served as a member of the academic committee and the party branch secretary of the graduate team in Computer Vision and Image Processing. Additionally he served as a review expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China and over 4 international SCI journals. Professor Lu has organized international seminars focused on safety biometric technology and intelligent media technology for public safety assuming the role of conference chairman. He is also a member of various societies including IEEE ACM and CCF. His research interests span biometric recognition and authentication (palm print palm vein face etc.) biometric template protection and computer vision.
Prem Kumar Singh Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management India
BIO:Dr. Prem Kumar Singh is a researchers speaker and academician in the field of data science graph analytics and soft computing. He has more than 15 Years of experience in this field. Currently he is working as Full Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering GITAM -Visakhapatnam (Deemed-to-be-University). He has completed a Post Doc from Mobile Cloud Computing Lab University of Malaya-Kuala Lumpur Malaysia under the grant UM.C/625/1/HIR/MOE/FCSIT/3.
Currently his research focuses on complex data analysis Quantum Data and Graph Analytics. He has published more than 11 research papers in peer reviewed conferences and journals with cumulative impact factor>2 h-index> 27 as per google scholar and h >25 as per Scopus. He served as reviewer editor technical program committee and Keynote Speaker for more than 3 peer reviewed conferences and journals.
Technical Program Committees
Yanfeng Li Heilongjiang University China
Ioan Stefan Sacala University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania
HEMACHANDRAN K AI Research Centre Woxsen University India
Yudong Zhang University of Leicester UK
Marcin Paprzycki Polish Academy of Sciences Poland
Xin Yang Southwestern University of Finance and Economics China
Tianrui Li Southwest Jiaotong University China
Hongbin Dong Harbin Engineering University
Yang Liu Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) China
Bo Chen Michigan Technological University USA
D.Brindha PSG College of Technology India
Xiaoqi Ma Nottingham Trent University UK
Mitra Madanchian University Canada West Canada
Komalpreet Kaur,Salem State University USA
Yinpu Li Convoy Inc. USA
Man Qi Canterbury Christ Church University UK
Tianming Ma Shanghai University of Engineering Science China
Guofeng Huang Heilongjiang University China
Misiker Tadesse Aga University of Michigan USA
Yinpu Li Convoy Inc. USA
Yang Liu Research Scientist The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine USA
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
Communications Security
Information Warfare Technology
Information Technology Applications
5G and 6G Communications
Information Security and Privacy
Information-centric networks
Attack detection and prevention
Blockchain security and privacy
Authentication protocols and key management
Anonymous communication metrics and performance
Trust and security modeling
Secure protocol design
Signal processing for enhanced security
Security tools for communication and information systems
Network security
Cryptographic Protocols
Privacy and Authentication
Applied Cryptography
Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Malware and botnets
Communication Privacy and Anonymity
Cloud security
Public Key Infrastructures key management credentials
Web security
Secure Routing Naming/Addressing Network Management
Attack monitoring
Anti-virus and anti-malware software
Communication Protocols and Standards
Cyber Information Security and System Security Technologies
Network Security and Privacy
Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees and accepted papers after registration and presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings which will be submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex Scopus.
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