第四届电子信息工程、大数据与计算机技术国际学术会议(EIBDCT 2025)将于2025年2月21-23日在中国青岛举行。
清华大学电子工程系长聘教授,开源数据认知创新中心主任,1994 年在清华大学电子工程系获博士学位,1997-1999 年在香港科技大学和美国特拉华大学访问,多次到美国、欧洲、日本、香港和新加坡多所大学和研究所访问。承担国家 973、863、移动专项、重点研发计划,国家自然基金和国际合作项目。发表SCI论文 2 多篇(IEEE杂志14多篇),申请国家专利3多项,国际专利5项,学术著作4部。获 IEEE ICC22、 Globecom214 等 9个国际会议最佳论文奖,IEEE TAOS 22 年度最佳论文奖,IEEE TWC (29) 优秀杂志编委奖等,任 IEEE 和 MDPI 等多个杂志的编委,任 Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences 编委,中国信息论分会副主任,中国6G-ANA TG4合作主席,IEEE ChinaSIP 网络与通信技术委员会主席等。
研究方向: 6G 无线通信网络与机器学习、语义信息论与 广义信息论,大数据处理理论以及智能网络与系统检测等。
北京科技大学自动化学院教授,博士生导师,IEEE高级会员(Senior Member)、IEEE交互式可穿戴技术与设备专家委员会委员、中国生物医学学会健康工程分会副主任、中国系统仿真学会智能物联系统专业委员会副主任、国家自然科学基金委评审专家、国家中医药现代化技术装备重大专项咨询专家、国家发改委国家工程研究中心评审专家、工信部智能制造重点专项评审专家、工信部重点实验室评审专家、国家重点研发计划项目责任专家与评审专家、吴文俊人工智能奖评审专家。Sensors, Unmanned Systems,Journal of Network and Computer Applications等多个国际期刊的编委或客座编委。22-223年全国可穿戴计算学术会议指导委员会委员。
研究方向: 可穿戴计算与健康监测、无线智能感知、能量采集及其网络资源管理、智能大数据处理、物联网与元宇宙应用
南京大学数学系教授(博导/重要学科岗)、 苏硖控制技术首席科学家(Chief Scientist)、美国量子计算区块链工业革命论 坛(SIR Forum)理事长与首席执行官(CEO)、江苏金 融科技研究中心特邀专家、江苏 省概率统计学会理事长、 江苏大数据区块链与 智能信息专委会主任、迪普思数字经济 研究所首席科学家(Chief Scientist)、国家多个概率统计运筹管理及工业与应用数学学会副理事长等、 国家自然科学奖 励委员会数学学科会评委员(随机分析组组长)、国家自然科学基金重大/重点(包括杰出 青年/优秀青年)项目评审专家;国际应用数学进展杂志 ( Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics) 主编、众多数学及其应用 国际期刊杂志的编审, 多次担任国际大会主席;曾任美国电信(现称诺 基亚)贝尔实验室 (AT&T (now called Nokia)Bell Labs) 永久(Permanent)科学家与研究员、重大/重点项 目首席科学家和研究员(Principal Investigator)并协助技术管理,并获美国 乔治亚理工大学(Georgia Institute of Technology) 数学学院(与 工业工程及系统工程学院共同培养)博士学位 (1992-1996);
在量子云计算、随机网络反射扩散、 随机(渐近)最优控制与(随机微分)博弈论及 (正倒向与反射)随机(常/偏)微分方程等领域作了 多项重要系列工作
1. 大会官方语言为英语,论文必须是英文稿件。
2. 发表论文的作者需提交全文,论文不得少于4页。
3. 论文应具有学术或实用价值,未在国内外学术期刊或会议发表过。作者可通过CrossCheck, iThenticate或其他查重系统自费查重,否则由文章重复率引起的被拒搞将由作者自行承担责任。
4. 论文须得按照会议模板进行排版。
EIBDCT 2025 投稿的全文将进行同行盲审,至少2-3位专家审稿之后,最终所录用的论文将以会议论文集出版,出版后由出版社提交 EI Compendex, Scopus数据库。
Electronic information technology lays the foundation for the development of optoelectronics. For instance the application of optoelectronic sensors and lasers has made the acquisition and transmission of information more efficient and precise. Furthermore big data technology has played a pivotal role in optoelectronics research. The massive amounts of data generated by optoelectronic devices during operation can through big data analytics facilitate deep pattern recognition and information extraction thereby enhancing the intelligence level of optoelectronic systems. Additionally the application of computer technology in optoelectronics is noteworthy. Computer simulation and image processing techniques have rendered the design and optimization of optoelectronic devices more efficient. Meanwhile computer technology provides robust support for the storage and processing of optoelectronic data enabling the smooth implementation of complex optoelectronic applications.
To adapt to this changing world and China‘s fast development in the new era 2025 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering Big Data and Computer Technology(EIBDCT 2025)will be held on February 22-23 2025 in Qingdao China. EIBDCT goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Electronic Information Engineering Big Data and Computer Technology and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers developers engineers students and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Computer Vision Application and Design and related areas.
February 21 2025
February 22 2025
Speeches of Keynote Speakers + Oral Presentations
February 23 2025
Academic Investigation
Conference Chair
Prof. Chase Wu IEEE Senior Member New Jersey Institute of Technology USA
Chase Wu is currently a Professor and the Associate Chair in the Department of Computer Science and the Director of the Center for Big Data at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He joined NJIT in fall 215 from the University of Memphis where he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include big data high-performance networking parallel and distributed computing sensor networks scientific visualization and cyber security. His research in networking develops fast and reliable data transfer solutions to help users in a wide spectrum of scientific domains move big data over long distances for collaborative data analytics. His research in computing develops high-performance workflow solutions to manage the execution of and optimize the performance of large-scale scientific workflows in heterogeneous computing environments. Dr. Wu‘s work has been supported by various funding agencies including the National Science Foundation the U.S. Department of Energy the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he is a research staff and works on a number of high-performance networking projects and big-data computational science projects. He has published over 25 research articles in highly reputed conference proceedings journals and books and won best paper awards at many conferences.
Technical Program Committee Chair
Prof. Xiaodong Liu IEEE Senior Member Edinburgh Napier University UK
Prof X. Liu received his PhD in Computer Science from De Montfort University and joined Napier in 1999. He is currently leading the Software Systems research group in the SoC Edinburgh Napier University. He was the director of Centre for Information & Software Systems. Prof Liu is an active researcher in software engineering with internationally excellent reputation and leading expertise focusing on its emerging themes including pervasive systems (Internet of Things) Cyber-Physical Systems services-oriented architecture evolution of cloud services and intelligence-driven software engineering. He has meanwhile a successful track record of teaching in a number of software engineering courses which are widely informed by his research activities. He has led 12 externally funded projects as the PI and published over 16 papers in established international journals and conferences 5 book chapters and 3 research handbooks. He is the inventor of 1 patent registered in UK and USA and the founder of a spin-out company. He has been the chair co-chair or PC member of a number of IEEE and IASTED International Conferences. He is the editorial board member of 4 international journals associate editor for 2 international journals and editor of 3 research books and 3 journals special issues. He is a senior member of IEEE Society and a member of British Computer Society.
Prof. Hong Lin ACM Senior Member University of Houston-Downtown USA
Dr. Hong Lin holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science. His graduate work includes theoretical and empirical studies of parallel programming models and implementations. Dr. Lin has worked on large-scale computational biology at Purdue University active networks at the National Research Council Canada and network security at Nokia Inc. Dr. Lin joined UHD at 21 and he is currently a professor in computer science. He has worked on parallel computing multi-agent systems and affective computing since he joined UHD. He established the Grid Computing Lab at UHD through an NSF MRI grant. He has been a Scholars Academy mentor an REU faculty mentor and a CAHSI faculty mentor. He is a senior member of ACM. A faculty member at University of Houston-Downtown since 21.
Publication Chair
Prof. Zoran Bojkovic IEEE Life Senior Member University of Belgrade Serbia
Prof. Dr Zoran Bojkovic Life Senior Member IEEE is Full Professor of electrical engineering University of Belgrade Serbia and Full Member of Engineering Academy of Serbia. Also he is a permanent visiting professor at the University of Texas at Arlington TX USA; EE Department Multimedia Systems Lab. He was a visiting researcher at Stanford University Stanford CA USA Information System Lab. hosted by Prof. Robert M. Gray.His areas of expertise are: digital multimedia signal processing (audio image video) data compression by various techniques wire/wireless multimedia communications and computers networks. He was and still is a visiting professor worldwide (universities and institutes in 25 countries). He has taught a number of courses seminars tutorials keynote/plenary/ invited lectures and speeches at international conferences. Also he is the co-author of 7 international books published by Prentice -Hall Wiley CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group……and translated in China Singapore India Canada. He is co-editor in 77 international books conference proceedings and has published more than 45 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings. He participated in more than 7 scientific research and industrial projects all over the world and has been consultant to industry research institutes and academia. The European Commission Service identify his profile a good match for specific expertise requirements. His activities included serving as Editor-in- Chief for 5 International Journals Associate Editor for 4 as well as Guest Editor for the Special Issue in one International Journal.
Prof. Harris Wu Old Dominion University USA
Harris Wu was born in Shenyang China. He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Michigan.He is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences College of Business and Public Administration Old Dominion University. He has published some articles on Decision Support Systems Information and Management and Applied Soft Computing Journal. His research interests include data analytics social media cybersecurity text mining enterprise information systems and system integration.
Prof. Carson K. Leung ACM & IEEE Senior Member University of Manitoba Canada
Carson Kai-Sang Leung (Senior Member IEEE) received the B.Sc. (Hons.) M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of British Columbia Canada. He is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Computer Science University of Manitoba Canada. He is the Founder and the Director of the Databa
se and Data Mining Laboratory. His research interests include data mining and analysis machine learning data science big data databa
ses (including image databa
ses) data management data warehousing data visualization and visual analytics bioinformatics health informatics and electronic health web technology and services social computing and social network analysis. He has contributed more than 3 refereed publications in these areas. He has served on organizing committees for international conferences like ACM SIGMOD IEEE ICDM IEEE DSAA IEEE/ACM ASONAM and ACM CIKM. He has also served on the Steering Committee for IEEE SmartData and the Advisory Committee for IEEE CBDCom. Moreover he has served as an Associate Editor for Springer journals like Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) and Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (NetMAHIB).
Organizing Committee Chair
Prof. Jianping Zhao Changchun College of Electronic Technology China
Zhao Jianping national second-level professor doctoral supervisor Jilin Province Changbai Mountain skills teacher Changchun City outstanding talent Jilin Province top innovation talent second batch of third-level candidates Jilin Province the 12th provincial CPPCC member Changchun University of Science and Technology university laboratory director director of the computer department deputy dean of the School of Computer Science and technology dean. He has been engaged in scientific research and teaching in the field of computer science for more than 3 years and has guided more than 15 doctoral and master‘s students. He has made a series of achievements in teaching research and teaching reform and has won the first prize of Jilin Province teaching achievement for three times. He is the head of “National Experimental Teaching Center of Computer Information Security and Network Attack and Defense Virtual Simulation“ and the national first-class professional leader. Presided over and participated in more than 3 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects. He has published more than 8 papers in the fields of databa
se technology network security image processing intelligent algorithms and more than 5 papers have been included by SCI and EI. As an instructor he has won many national provincial and ministerial awards in student competitions.
Committees Members
Prof. Xin Lv Changchun College of Electronic Technology China
Prof. Xiuling Sun Changchun College of Electronic Technology China
Prof. Haifeng Sun Changchun College of Electronic Technology China
Prof. Ling Cen South China University of Technology China
Prof. Tao Wang Sun Yat-Sen University China
Prof. Zhihong Qian Jilin University China
Prof. Yongkang Xing Huazhong University of Science and Technology China
Prof. Zhiwu Li Xidian University China
Prof Zhiyuan Zhu Southwest University China
Prof. Jianhua Liu The Second Hospital of Jilin University China
Prof. Zhihan Lv IEEE Senior Member Qingdao University China
Prof. Noreddine Gherabi Sultan Moulay Slimane University Morocco
Prof. Yuanzhu Chen Queen‘s University Canada
Prof. Dmitriy V. Ivanov Samara State University of Transport Russia
Prof. Kathiravan Srinivasan Vellore Institute of Technology India
Prof. Ke-Lin Du Concordia University Canada
Prof. Yongkang Xing Chongqing University China
Prof. Yongtang Zhang Guangdong Neusoft Institute China
Prof. Paulo Batista University of ?vora Portugal
Assoc. Prof. Yousef Abubaker El-Ebiary University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) Malaysia
Prof. Wendong Xiao University of Science and Technology Beijing China
Prof. Yuan Yan TANG University of Macau China
Prof. Ching-Nung Yang National Dong Hwa University China
Prof. Ming Wei Civil Aviation University of China China
Prof. Hu Sheng Dalian Jiaotong University China
Prof. Heyong Wang South China University of Technology China
Prof. LING Tok Wang National University of Singapore Singapore
Prof. Cheng Chin Newcastle University Singapore
Prof. Harris Wu Old Dominon University USA
Prof. Eduard Babulak National Science Foundation USA
Prof. Mir Sajjad Hussain Talpur Institute of Information Technology Sindh Agriculture University Pakistan
Prof. Guanghui (Richard) Wang Toronto Metropolitan University Canada
Prof. Eduard Babulak National Science Foundation USA
Prof. Gheorghe Grigoras Technical University of Iasi Romania Romania
Prof. George Carutasu Universitatea Rom?no-American? Romania
Prof. Sujatha Krishnamoorthy Wenzhou-Kean University China
Assoc. Binh Nguyen Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) New Zealand
Assoc. Prof. Aslina Baharum Sunway University Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. OLARIK SURINTA Mahasarakham University Thailand
Assoc. Prof. Xin Feng Chongqing University of Technology China
Assoc. Prof. Nasir Saeed Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) Emirate
Assoc. Prof. Wei Wei Xi‘an University of Technology China
Asst. Prof. Ts. Aw Yoke Cheng Berjaya University College Malaysia
Dr. Bala Murugan MS VIT University India
Dr. Chawki Djeddi Larbi Tebessi University
Dr. Shasanka Sekhar Rout GIET University India
Dr. Man Fung LO The University of Hong Kong China
Dr. Yuan Di Xidian University Guangzhou Research Institute China
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
Electronic Information Engineering
· Circuits and Systems
· Intelligent Instrumentation
· Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System
· Communication and Information System
· Signal and Information Processing
· Parallel and distributed computing
· Electronic and Communication Engineering
· Power Electronics and Power Drives
· Optoelectronic Information Engineering
· Physical Electronics
· Electronic System
· Semiconductor Device
· Microprocessor
· Photonic technology
· Electromagnetic Field and Microwave
· Information Processing
· Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments
Big Data
· Foundational Models for Big Data
· Big Data Analytics and Metrics
· Big Data Open Platforms
· Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search
· Distributed and Peer-to-peer Search
· Machine learning ba
sed on Big Data
· Visualization Analytics for Big Data
· Models and Languages for Big Data Protection
· Big Data Encryption
· li
nk and Graph Mining
· Experiences with Big Data Project Deployments
· Big Data Toolkit
Computer Technology
· Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality
· Computer Graphics & Multimedia
· Computer Modeling
· Computer Simulation
· Computer Vision
· Mobile Computing
· Natural Language Processing
· Neural Networks
· Parallel & Distributed Computing
· Pattern Recognition
· Programming Languages
· Reconfigurable Computing Systems
All papers both invited and contributed will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers of EIBDCT 2025 will be published and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
Note: All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
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