


第二届通信技术与软件工程国际学术会议 (CTSE 2025)将于2025年3月21-23日在中国桂林举行。会议专注于通信技术与软件工程相关领域,致力于搭建计算机领域学术资源共享平台,扩大国际科研学术合作交流渠道。本次会议旨在为全球的专家、学者和企业提供一个交流平台,以分享通信技术与软件工程最新的研究成果、技术创新和市场趋势,助力链接相关领域国内外专家学者通过经验分享和智慧碰撞,推动科研学术成果转化和人才、技术、资本聚集,提升发展新动能。







CTSE 2025 将征集并展示高质量的最新研究成果文章,并将组织相关的主题研讨。会务组诚邀世界各地的专家学者提交您最的论文,并与其他参会者分享您的成果与经验。征文主题包括但不限于:






所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将由EI系列期刊出版社出版,见刊后由期刊社提交至 EI Compendex, SCOPUS 检索。


CTSE 2025

2025 2nd International Conference on Communication Technology and Software Engineering (CTSE 2025) is scheduled to take place in Guilin China from March 21 to 23 2025. This esteemed event aims to gather experts scholars and enterprises from across the globe to showcase and discuss the latest advancements in communication technology and software engineering. The conference serves as a platform for sharing research results technological innovations and market trends fostering academic exchanges and collaborations. Through this gathering it strives to promote the innovation and development of communication technology and software engineering ultimately contributing to societal progress and enhancing human welfare.

Highlights of the conference include:

Keynote Speech: Keynote speeches delivered by renowned experts and scholars in the field of communication technology and software engineering. These esteemed speakers will share their latest research results and insights on technology trends providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the art and future directions.

Paper presentation: This segment allows participants to showcase their research results and engage in meaningful exchanges and discussions with other researchers. It is an excellent opportunity for researchers to gain feedback establish new collaborations and contribute to the advancement of the field.

Networking activities: These activities including social evenings and cultural experiences will provide a relaxed atmosphere for participants to mingle build relationships and explore the local culture. Such interactions can lead to valuable professional connections and future collaborations.

We look forward to your participation in promoting the progress and development of communication technology and software engineering.

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Date

December 2 224

Notification Deadline

January 25 2025

Final Paper Submission Date

February 9 2025

Registration Deadline

February 23 2025

Conference Dates

March 21-23 2025

Call for Papers

The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:

Software Development and Design

Program Repair

Software Testing

Software Architecture and Design

Network Configuration Management

Software Evaluation

Software-Defined Networking

Software Security

Software Visualization

Network Protocols

Network Management and Control

Program Analysis

Human-Computer Interaction

Software Requirements Engineering

Software Project Management

Reliability Analysis

Coding and Information Theory

Communications and Information Engineering

Trust Management

Privacy Protection

Information Security and Forensics

Cloud Computing

Mobile Computing

Satellite Communication Systems

Sensor Networks

Network and Architecture Design

Wireless Resource Management

Network Management

Network Traffic Characterization

Optical Communication

Multimedia and Real-Time Communication


Submit to Conference Proceedings (EI)

Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees and accepted papers after registration and presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings which will be submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex Scopus.

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