◆ 会议时间:2025年10月25-28日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年第37届美国经导管心血管治疗学大会(TCT)将于2025年10月25-28日在美国旧金山举行。 美国经导管心血管治疗(TCT)学术会议/TCT研讨会始于1988年,由Martin B. Leon博士发起,是美国心血管研究基金会(CRF)的年度科学研讨会,是世界上规模最大、最重要的专注于心血管介入医学的教育会议,每年都有来自世界各地的10000余名专业人士与会。30多年来,TCT通过提供前沿宣的教育内容、展示当前治疗和临床研究的最新进展,来提高目标受众群体的能力实践。TCT科学研讨会的与会者包括:介入心脏病专家、放射科医师、临床心脏病专家、科学家,血管医学专家、心脏和血管外科医生、护士、导管室技师和其他介入和血管医学领域的相关人士等。 美国心血管研究基金会(CRF)成立于1991年,是一个致力于改善世界各地心脏病患者生存和生活质量的非营利组织。CRF在介入心血管医学中安全地使用新技术、药物等手段治疗心脏与血管疾病方面发挥了重要的作用。CRF教育中心每年举办超过50个教育会议和大会,包括年度经导管心血管治疗(TCT)科学研讨会,为相关人员提供前沿技术和创新等方面的培训(未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com) TCT 2025 – 37th Annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics Conference 2025 Date: October 25-28, 2025
Overview Founded by Dr. Martin B. Leon, the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) conference, is the Cardiovascular Research Foundation’s (CRF) annual scientific symposium and the world’s foremost educational forum specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine. Debuting as a small gathering of 150 in 1988, TCT now attracts more than 10,000 attendees from more than 100 countries. Every year, TCT features major medical research breakthroughs and gathers leading researchers and clinicians from around the world to present and discuss the latest evidence-based research.
以下为上届信息 摘要征文投稿: Submission Deadlines
Abstracts Submit your abstracts of original research for the opportunity to present to thousands of your colleagues worldwide. Research can be in the form of clinical studies, basic science investigations, or preclinical studies and must be relevant to interventional cardiology, endovascular medicine, or structural heart disease. Your abstracts must convey original research but can include portions of previous abstracts and/or manuscripts presented or published elsewhere. Note: Submit single-patient case reports to Challenging Cases, regardless of the novelty of the case. Guidelines: Please ensure that your abstract submission undergoes thorough grammatical checking to ensure it is publication-ready if accepted. Additionally, verify that all study information, including tables and images, is correctly uploaded and displayed on the submission site. Character limit is 2,200, including spaces (approximately 300-350 words). Images will reduce your character limit by 600. Tables will reduce your character limit by 300. Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in late August.
Challenging Cases Physicians and fellows from around the world, submit your most challenging coronary, endovascular, and structural heart disease cases. The best cases will be chosen by the course directors for presentation. Guidelines: Character limit is 2,450 total for case summary, history, diagnostic tests, procedure, conclusion, comments. PowerPoint slide presentation highlighting your case is optional. Images: 10 MB. Video formats accepted: 30 MB mpeg, wmv, avi, mov, mpg, mp4. Images will reduce your character limit by 600. Tables will reduce your character limit by 300. Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in late August.
Innovation Sessions and TCT® Shark Tank Innovation CompetitionInnovation Sessions Submit your novel technologies relevant to the monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of coronary, endovascular, or structural heart disease. Selected emerging technologies will be presented at TCT® 2024. TCT® Shark Tank Innovation Competition Enter the Shark Tank! The annual TCT® meeting is the preeminent platform for concept-stage presentations of novel technologies in interventional cardiovascular medicine. Submit concept-stage novel technologies in interventional cardiovascular medicine for a chance to present to a panel of expert judges and compete for an award of $200,000 provided by the Jon DeHaan Foundation. Your submission must be relevant to the monitoring, diagnosis, or treatment of coronary, endovascular, or structural heart disease and meet all three of the following criteria:
Guidelines: Describe clinical indication for innovative device or technology. Character limit 2,450, including spaces. Submit 15-20 PowerPoint slides covering aspects of the technology. Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in mid-September.
Late-Breaking Clinical Trials and Science/First-in-Human & Early Feasibility StudiesLate-Breaking Clinical Trials and Science are typically:
If your submission is accepted, you will present it at TCT® 2024 and will provide presentation slides a week prior to the conference. In addition, a few presentations will be chosen for the press conferences scheduled on the same day. Embargo: The content of accepted late-breaking clinical trials and science is strictly embargoed until time of presentation. Non-Qualifying Submissions: Please note that the following rarely qualify as late-breaking clinical trial submissions and instead, should be submitted as abstracts or to call for innovation: preclinical studies, early first-in-human device studies, and meta-analyses. Guidelines: Total character limit is 3,250, including spaces (primary endpoints: 550-character limit; secondary endpoints: 550-character limit; funding sources: 500 character limit). Upload .png or .jpg files only. Images will reduce your character limit by 600. Tables will reduce your character limit by 300. Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified in mid-September.
Thomas J. Linnemeier Spirit of Interventional Cardiology Young Investigator AwardYounger than 40? Committed to academic and research excellence and have the accomplishments to demonstrate it? Apply for this Young Investigator Award! The Linnemeier Award is designed to encourage young physicians in their pursuit of a life-long commitment to joint clinical and academic excellence. This award recognizes clinical and academic excellence in interventional cardiovascular medicine and aims to stimulate the continued commitment and dedication to both outstanding patient care and ongoing academic inquiry by young investigators. The three finalists will become faculty at TCT® 2024. The winner will be announced at the conference and will receive the award along with a $10,000 scholarship on the podium at TCT® 2024. Eligibility: We encourage both international and US-based applicants. Candidates for this award must be:
Guidelines: Required documents: CV, personal statement, clinical accomplishments, letters of recommendation, and supplemental information. Notification: Accepted presenters will be notified mid-September.
TCT2024 注册费:
All figures are in U.S. dollars. Rate changes take effect at 12:00 AM EDT (UTC −4). ** Fellows: See Terms and Conditions below.
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