2025 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems and Smart Grid Technologies (PSSGT)
2025 IEEE International Conference on Power System and Smart Grid Technologies (PSSGT 2025) is going to be held in Chongqing, China during April 11-13, 2025.
PSSGT conference covers a broad range of topics, including renewable energy, energy storage and distributed energy resources, smart grid architectures, Clean and Renewable Energy, Power and Energy Engineering, etc. The conference provides opportunities for researchers, engineers, academicians, and industrial professionals from around the world to present their research results and development activities in Smart Grid and Green Energy. The conference will be highlighted with plenary speeches, technical sessions, poster presentations, meanwhile providing excellent communication for students, scholars and researchers.
Smart grids and green energy are critical not only addressing global energy and climate challenges, but also increasing economies, improving quality of life and achieving a sustainable future, as they provide the necessary power for modern world. These systems also facilitate the efficient transportation and distribution of electricity over long distances, enabling people to obtain electricity from a variety of sources. As energy demand increasing and coupled with the need to reduce carbon emissions, which has created a pressing need for clean and sustainable energy sources. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and bioenergy, have emerged as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. In addition, with the increasing focus on smart grids and green energy sources, energy systems play a key role in integrating these clean energy sources into the grid. In the future, the electric energy system will transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources and incorporate advanced technologies to make grid management more efficient and flexible.
You are cordially invited to join 2025 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (PSSGT 2025). The event is Co-sponsored by Chongqing University, China and IEEE China Council, hosted by Chongqing University, China and University of Tokyo, Japan, patrons from South China University of Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, China, Yamagata University, Japan, Tohoku University, Japan and State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Technology.
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