

◆ 会议时间:2025年11月20-22日
◆ 会议地点:美国 奥兰多


◆ 会议简介:


血管和介入神经病学学会(SVIN) 旨在通过加强科学研究方面的合作以及为年轻的专业人员和研究人员提供教育与培训,为患者提供最高水平的护理。SVIN致力促进介入神经病学领域的发展,最终目标是改善脑卒中和脑血管疾病患者的临床护理和预后。SVIN的使命是致促进参与神经疾病介入治疗的专家和亚专科专家之间的合作;通过与其他团体的内部和外部合作,促进脑血管疾病和神经介入治疗领域的科学研究;通过宣传、指导和支持对这一领域感兴趣的公众、医生和科学家的教学活动,提高认识和传播脑血管疾病和神经介入进展的知识;在与其他组织合作宣的教学计划中,促进和改进血管和介入神经病学的培训;解决参与神经疾病介入治疗的专家和亚专科专家所面临的实际问题。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

SVIN 2025 – Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology Annual Meeting

November 20-22, 2025

Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Orlando, USA


The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology’s Annual Meeting is the premier international academic gathering covering the full spectrum of cerebrovascular disease. For attending members and non-members in the healthcare community, the SVIN Annual Meeting hosts recognized leaders in stroke and endovascular treatment presenting cutting-edge clinical and translational research in ischemic and hemorrhagic disease.





Deadline Friday, August 23, 2024 at 4:59 PM CT

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


  • All accepted abstracts will be included on the SVIN website, mobile app and S:VIN Journal
  • The abstract maximum length is 500 words NOT including Title, Authors, Affiliations, and Disclosures. Each graphic or table is considered 100 words with maximum two graphics or tables per abstract.
  • The presenting author must be an author of the abstract.
  • Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be required to register for and attend the SVIN 2024 Annual Meeting. Registration fees are required and are not waived with acceptance.
  • Authors have the option to submit their abstract for one of the three following options:
    • E-Poster Presentation Only
    • Platform Presentation Only
    • Platform or E-Poster Presentation

    If ‘Platform Presentation Only’ is selected, consideration will not be made for a poster presentation. Similarly, if ‘E-Poster Presentation Only’ is selected, consideration will not be made for a platform presentation.

  • IMPORTANT! SVIN will accept only one platform presentation per presenting author. If one submits more than one abstract for platform presentation, the others will automatically be reviewed for E-poster presentation if the author chooses ‘Platform or E-Poster’ during the abstract submission process – not platform.
  • There is a maximum of one platform and two E-poster presentations per presenting author.
  • Avoid trade names when possible. You may use the trade name once, for example – ticagrelor (Brilinta).
  • All authors that had influence over the content of the abstract must disclose. When submitting the abstract online, please list the names of the authors and the corresponding financial disclosures.
  • Please ensure that all authors have been submitted with your abstract as you will not be able to add additional authors after the review period begins.
  • Authors are strongly encouraged to submitting their manuscript to Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology for publication.
  • Abstract notification will be sent via email in September 2024 following peer review.

Preparation of Your Abstract

  • No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do NOT include the names of any of the authors. The names of authors and their affiliations (institutions) will be submitted on-line during the process.
  • Abstracts previously presented at a national/international meeting may be submitted to SVIN. Please cite the meeting, location, and date of previous presentation. Abstracts CANNOT be previously published in a manuscript.
  • The title cannot be longer than 15 words but should clearly indicate the nature of the study. Capitalize the first letter of each word within the title.
  • Abstracts should state clearly and briefly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the work. There is a strict 500-word limit for the abstract body; each graphic or table counts as 100 words. Please format abstracts using the following headings:
    • Introduction/Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of the study.
    • Materials/Methods: Describe the design of the study clearly.
    • Results: Present your results in a logical sequence.
    • Conclusion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from your results.

The Submission Process

  1. To submit an abstract, please visit our online Abstract Submission site and register with the system. All users will need to create an account by clicking on “Create New Account”. Complete the form with the required fields. Once that form is submitted, you will be redirected to the login page. Please be sure to save these login credentials.
  2. Log into the system using the username and password you chose. To begin a new submission, select “Submissions” and then “Add New”.
  3. Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process. To submit a new abstract, log into the system and click on “Add New”. This will take you through the steps of submitting your abstracts. Be sure to read the directions on each page carefully. There are multiple steps within the abstract submission process:

    Step 1: Title
    Step 2: Category
    Step 3: Presentation Preference
    Step 4: Keyword(s)
    Step 5: Author(s)
    Step 6: Abstract Body
    Step 7: Additional Information
    Step 8: Award Consideration
    Step 9 (if applicable): Travel Grant Files
    Step 10: Review and Submit

  4. You will select one primary category that your abstract falls within. The categories to choose from are as follows:
    • Aneurysm/Vascular Malformations
    • Basic Science
    • Education
    • Emerging Technology
    • Extracranial Interventions
    • Global Health/Health Equity
    • Imaging
    • Intracranial/Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
    • Intracranial Stenosis
    • Ischemic Stroke – Vascular Neurology
    • Ischemic Stroke – Neurointervention
    • Large Artery Disease
    • Neurocritical Care
    • Other Pathology
    • Stroke Systems of Care
    • Venous Disease and Interventions
  5. Questions marked with a red asterisk* are required fields. The system will indicate which of the steps you have not completed when you go to finalize and submit your abstract. You can also save and continue your abstract at a later time, but please ensure it is submitted by the deadline.
  6. For each abstract submitted, a maximum of two graphic files or tables is permitted. Ensure file resolution is ≥300 dpi. Please upload file(s) as jpg or gif formats only.
  7. Once an abstract has been submitted, additional edits can be made until the abstract deadline. If you wish to delete a submission, you can do so within the ‘Submissions’ window and selecting “Delete” within each listed abstract submission.
  8. To submit additional abstracts, select ‘Home’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to return to the ‘Submissions’ window and then select “Add New.” You will need to close out of the current abstract (including reviewing an already submitted abstract) before beginning a new submission.
  9. Final abstract deadline is Friday, August 23, 2024 at 4:59 PM CT.

SVIN Abstract Withdrawal Policy

It is SVIN’s expectation that all accepted abstracts will, under all usual circumstances, be presented at the meeting. If the presenting author is unable to present an abstract, a co-author is eligible to present on their behalf. Failure to present an accepted abstract may cause the author(s) to be ineligible for abstract submission at next year’s annual meeting.

To request withdraw of an abstract prior to the submission deadline, please withdraw directly in the system. Following the submission deadline, all withdrawal requests must be requested in writing to the SVIN Speaker Team at education@svin.org. The final date to request a withdrawal will be October 7, 2024.

Abstract Awards

Best Scientific Abstract Award: One award will be given at the SVIN Annual Meeting for the outstanding scientific abstract submitted by a member of the society.

  • The presenting author must be a current member of SVIN at the time the abstract is submitted.
  • The recipient is required to attend the annual meeting.
  • Previously presented abstracts will not be considered for the award.
  • The Abstract Review Committee will decide on the award.

Young Investigator Award: One award will be given at the SVIN Annual Meeting for the outstanding abstract submitted by a student, resident, fellow or early career attending (five years or less out of fellowship).

  • The presenting author must be a current member of SVIN at the time the abstract is submitted.
  • The presenting author must be a medical student, resident, fellow, or early career attending (five years or less out of fellowship) at the time of submission to qualify for the award.
  • The recipient is required to attend the annual meeting.
  • Only abstracts that are designated for consideration of the Young Investigator Award by the author during the submission process will be considered.
  • The Abstract Review Committee will decide on the award.

Trainee Travel Grant: Multiple awards will be given to support the efforts of trainees in cerebrovascular research and encourage participation at the SVIN Annual Meeting. These awards will provide travel funds for junior investigators to attend the meeting, present their research in oral or poster format, and engage in discussion with senior investigators.

  • The presenting author must be a current member of SVIN at the time of application.
  • The presenting author must be a medical student, resident or fellow at the time of submission to qualify for the award. Priority will be given to fellow-in-training applicants.
  • The recipient is required to attend the annual meeting.
  • Only abstracts that are designated for consideration of the Trainee Travel Grant by the author during the submission process will be considered.
  • Applicants must submit an abstract and upload the required supporting materials prior to the deadline. Only complete applications will be considered.
  • The Abstract Review Committee will decide on the awards.





Registration Rates

Early Bird
(through Sept 6)
(Sept 7 – Nov 19)
Interventional Neurologist $850 $950 $1,050
Vascular Neurologist, Neurocritical Care, Neurohospitalist, Neurologist $550 $650 $750
Advance Practice Provider, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Associate $450 $550 $650
Junior, Fellow, Resident, Medical Student  $350 $450 $550
Nurses, Technicians, Other Professionals $350 $450 $550
Interventional Neurologist $1,100 $1,200 $1,300
Vascular Neurologist, Neurocritical Care, Neurohospitalist, Neurologist $750 $850 $950
Advance Practice Provider, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Associate $650 $750 $850
Junior, Fellow, Resident, Medical Student  $500 $600 $700
Nurses, Technicians, Other Professionals $500 $600 $700
Industry $650 $800 $900
Member $200 $250
Fellow, Resident, Medical Student Free Free
Non-Member $300 $350
Full Conference $800 $850
Exhibit Hall Only $650 $700

Cancellation Policy: Must be received on or before Wednesday, October 1, 2024. Cancellations will be refunded less a $100 processing fee. Cancellation requests after the October 1 deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Please note: Any hotel reservations must be cancelled separately and directly with the hotel.

Substitution – In-person registrant substitutions can be made by Tuesday, October 1, 2024, without a fee, by contacting the registration team at registration@svin.org. All substitutions for conference registrations received after October 1 are subject to a $50 substitution fee.



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