2025年智慧城市与可持续发展国际学术会议(SCSD 2025)旨在汇集全球范围内的专家学者、研究人员和行业领袖,共同探讨与分享最先进的环境工程相关的研究成果、技术创新,及其在实际城市开发中的应用。大会将特别关注智慧城市和可持续发展的整合,探索如何通过科技创新推动城市可持续发展的双赢策略。
- 智慧能源管理
- 智能电网与可再生能源集成
- 能源效率优化与需求侧管理
- 能源储存和管理技术
- 分布式能源系统
- 光伏建筑一体化
- 可持续城市交通
- 智慧交通系统与流量管理
- 多模式出行整合
- 电动汽车基础设施的发展
- 自行车和步行友好城市设计
- 共享出行与移动即服务(MaaS)
- 智慧水管理
- 水资源监测和管理系统
- 水污染智能检测和处理
- 城市雨水治理及再利用
- 智能水网及基础设施维护
- 水循环系统与生态修复
- 智慧废物管理
- 智慧垃圾分类和处理技术
- 废物回收与循环再利用系统设计
- 剩余物资管理与废物流动追踪
- 智能填埋场管理
- 电子废物管理与回收技术
- 绿色建筑与基础设施
- 可持续建筑材料研究与应用
- 被动式设计与能源效率评估
- 智能楼宇管理系统与节能技术
- 可持续城市化与宜居城市规划
- 生物气候建设
- 智慧健康与福祉系统
- 智慧医疗与远程健康监控
- 健康城市设计与环境心理学
- 健康数据分析与公共卫生政策
- 社区支持与老龄化社会解决方案
- 城市环境与健康影响评估
- 智慧生态与环境监测
- 城市空气质量智能监测与管理
- 智能噪声和振动控制
- 城市生态系统建模与生物多样性保护
- 城市热岛效应缓解策略
- 智慧绿地和生态走廊设计
- 数字基础设施与网络安全
- 数据隐私与城市智能安全
- 城市网络基础设施优化与可持续发展
- 区块链技术在城市管理中的应用
- 智能感知与物联网(IoT)平台发展
- 智能城市风险与应急管理系统
- 智慧经济与社会创新
- 可持续产业集群与创业生态系统
- 数字经济与城市发展
- 社会创新与协作网络
- 公共参与技术与城市治理
- 广义教育与职业培训
- 智慧文化与遗产保护
- 文化遗产数字化保护与智慧旅游
- 城市文化与创意产业发展
- 基于VR/AR的沉浸式文化体验
- 社区文化活动的多媒体传播
- 智慧城市背景下的遗产保护法规和政策研究
1. 所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家的严格审稿,最终所录用的论文将以会议论文集的形式正式出版,见刊后由出版社提交至EI、Scopus、Google Scholar(谷歌学术)等进行检索。
2. 合作英文期刊
《基础设施、政策与发展杂志》(JIPD) 是一本多学科、双盲同行评审期刊,致力于发表有关基础设施、经济发展和公共政策的高质量文章。期刊名称中的“基础设施”、“发展”和“政策”三个词是本刊的核心。JIPD已被Scopus和ESCI收录,在本刊上发表文章的作者将享受最大程度的曝光。
征稿主题: 教育系统、医疗保健系统、社会制度、制度改革、城市发展、绿色发展、适应气候变化的基础设施、基础设施融资、基础设施管理,其他符合期刊主题方向皆可投稿。
– About SCSD 2025 –
2025 International Conference on Smart City and Sustainable Development
With the acceleration of the global urbanization process and the rapid development of science and technology smart cities have become a key strategy to cope with the challenges of urban resource shortage environmental pollution traffic congestion and energy consumption.
2025 International Conference on Smart Cities and Sustainable Development 2025 (SCSD 2025) aims to provide an international platform for scholars researchers policy makers entrepreneurs and city managers from around the world to share the latest research results technological innovations and practical experience in smart city construction. It focuses on intelligent transportation green buildings renewable energy Internet of Things urban big data intelligent environmental monitoring and social governance. The main purpose of the conference is to promote the sustainable development of cities through scientific and technological innovation to achieve efficient use of resources and ecological environment optimization. The specific goals of SCSD 2025 include: promoting interdisciplinary academic exchanges promoting technological innovation in the field of smart cities strengthening international cooperation sharing practical experience in the construction of smart cities around the world and providing policy makers with scientific decision-making basis.
SCSD 2025 invites professionals in relevant fields to participate and contribute their wisdom and strength to building smart livable and sustainable cities of the future.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date:December 1 224
Registration Deadline:December 15 224
Final Paper Submission Date:December 2 224
Conference Dates:January 1-12 2025
Call For Papers
ripts passed the peer-review process by expert reviewers from the conference organizing committee will be accepted and published in the Conference Proceedings. The published papers will then be submitted to EI Compendex Scopusfor indexing.
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
- Smart energy management
- Smart grid integration with renewable energy
- Energy efficiency optimization and demand side management
- Energy storage and management technologies
- Distributed energy system
- Photovoltaic building integration
- Sustainable urban transport
- Intelligent transportation systems and flow management
- The development of electric vehicle infrastructure
- Shared Mobility and Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
- Smart water management
- Water resources monitoring and management system
- Intelligent detection and treatment of water pollution
- Intelligent water network and infrastructure maintenance
- Water circulation system and ecological restoration
- Smart waste sorting and disposal technology
- Design of waste recovery and recycling system
- Surplus management and waste flow tracking
- Research and application of sustainable building materials
- Intelligent building management system and energy saving technology
- Sustainable urbanization and livable city planning
- Smart Health and well-being system
- Smart medicine and remote health monitoring
- Health data analysis and public health policy
- Urban environmental and health impact assessment
- Intelligent ecology and environmental monitoring
- Urban air quality intelligent monitoring and management
- Intelligent noise and vibration control
- Urban ecosystem modeling and biodiversity conservation
- Mitigation strategy of urban heat island effect
- Digital infrastructure and cybersecurity
- Data privacy and urban smart Security
- Urban network infrastructure optimization and sustainable development
- The application of blockchain technology in urban management
- Intelligent perception and Internet of Things (IoT) platform development
- Smart city Risk and emergency management system
- Smart economy and social innovation
- Sustainable industrial cluster and entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Digital economy and urban development
- Intelligent culture and heritage protection
- Digital protection of cultural heritage and smart tourism
- Urban culture and creative industry development
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.
All submitted articles should report original research results experimental or theoretical not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
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