为探讨数据科学和计算智能领域的关键问题,促进相关交流,由黄河科技学院主办的2025年第二届智能计算与数据分析国际学术会议(ICDA 2025)将于2025年8月22日-24日在中国郑州召开。本届会议拟邀请数据分析和计算智能领域的顶级专家、学者和产业界优秀人才,围绕当前技术发展、应用探索以及共同关注的科学问题,积极探索数据科学与计算智能领域内的新途径和新方法,以期为该领域研究的可持续发展提供有益的决策支撑和较为强大的助推力。
■ 数据分析
- 数据挖掘
- 数据分析过程和改进
- 大数据可视化分析
- 数据分析方法
- 线性回归分析
- 统计物理学
- 定性数据分析
- 高频数据分析
- 复杂数据分析
- 预测分析与仿真
- 数据分析算法
- 数据分析算法和系统
- 数据分析场景和模型应用程序
- 大数据机器学习
- 大数据平台、技术、模型与方法
- 大数据工具与系统
- 大数据可视化分析
- 大数据分析与媒体
- 大数据分析经济学
- 大数据的安全和隐私
- 医疗大数据
- 电商大数据
- 交通大数据
- 公共大数据
- 大数据的行业应用
■ 智能计算
- 智能规划
- 神经计算
- 视觉/语言感知
- 进化和群体算法
- 无导数优化算法
- 模糊集与模糊逻辑
- 智能模型/算法的杂交
- 智能搜索
- 进化计算
- 粒子群算法
- 智能计算
- 社会计算
- 遗传算法
- 模拟退火算法
- 复计算几何
- 计算技术与高性能计算科学的应用
- 数值计算软件开发
- 模糊数学与数理逻辑
- 图论与组合学算法等
- 启发式算法
- 蚁群算法
- 人工鱼群算法
- 粒子群算法
- 免疫算法
- 粗糙集理论
- 人工智能
- 人工神经网络
- 机器学习
- 生物计算
- 量子计算
- 知识发现
- 数据挖掘
- 信息安全
- 医疗诊断
- 数学分析
- 逻辑数学
- 应用数学
所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终会议全部录用的文章将由出版社发表见刊,见刊后提交EI、Scopus 等检索。
About ICDA 2025
2025 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Data Analysis
To explore key issues in the field of data science and computational intelligence and to promote relevant exchanges 2025 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Data Analysis (ICDA 2025) will be held in Zhengzhou China from August 22 to 24 2025. This conference intends to invite top experts scholars and outstanding talents from the industry in the fields of data analysis and computational intelligence to actively explore new approaches and methods in data science and computational intelligence focusing on current technological developments application exploration and common scientific concerns. The aim is to provide beneficial decision-making support and a strong impetus for the sustainable development of research in this field.
We sincerely invite experts scholars business people and other relevant individuals from universities and research institutions at home and abroad to participate in the conference!
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Date:December 25 224
Registration Deadline:August 9 2025
Final Paper Submission Date:August 13 2025
Conference Dates:August 22-24 2025
Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
■ Track 1: Data Analytics
- Multimodal interaction
- Deep learning
- Neural symbol
- Common sense reasoning
- Natural language processing
- Visual analysis
- Knowledge discovery
- Big data analysis
- Recommendation system
- Data mining
- Data encryption
- Perceptual computing
- Data classification
- Data security
- Data cleaning
- Intelligent data processing
- Sentiment analysis
■ Track 2: Intelligent computing
- Distributed computing
- Fog calculation
- Game theory
- Evolutionary computation
- Natural computation
- Reinforcement learning
- Genetic algorithm
- Natural computation
- Annealing algorithm
- Parallel computing
- Mobile computing
- Ubiquitous computing
All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus for indexing.
ICDA 224: Cover丨EI Compendex丨Scopus
Note: All submitted articles should report original results experimental or theoretical not previously published or being under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
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