

◆ 会议时间:2025年9月13-15日
◆ 会议地点:日本 神户


◆ 会议简介:



Asia Pacific Stroke Conference (APSC 2025)

September 13-15, 2025

Kobe, Japan

Theme of the Conference: “Advancing Stroke Care: Global and Local Challenges” 





The abstract submission deadline is 7th June 2024.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



The Scientific Committee aims to create a Conference program with a mix of the following presentation types:

  • Oral Presentations

  • Poster Presentations



Please submit your abstract to one of the categories below. If you cannot find a category that is an ideal fit for your abstract, choose the most appropriate and the scientific committee will assist in finding the best fit for you in the program. Alternatively, you may submit to the general abstract category.

  • Hyperacute Stroke Treatment Including Prehospital Care and Stroke Services
  • Endovascular Therapy for Acute Stroke, Aneurysmal SAH, AVMs
  • Stroke Etiology and Clinical Aspects incl. Uncommon Stroke Disorders and Challenging Cases 
  • Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
  • Stroke Neuroimaging
  • Stroke Nursing
  • Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery
  • Post Stroke Care and Complications
  • Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
  • Community Awareness, Advocacy and Stroke Support Activities
  • Life after Stroke (incl. Care Givers.
  • Stroke Biomakers
  • Stroke Prevention (Primary and Secondary)
  • Intracerebral Haemorrhage and Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
  • Neurocritical Care
  • Basic Science and Translational Research
  • Knowledge Translation and Implementation Science
  • Health Services
  • Stroke Outcomes
  • Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence
  • Implementation of Stroke Care
  • Young Career
  • Other



  1. Select the presentation type and category

  2. Provide some keywords to assist in categorisation of your abstract

  3. Enter the title of your abstract. Please type the title in sentence case (that is lowercase with only the first letter or the first word in capitals) and without any punctuation. A correctly formatted example follows: Title of my presentation for the conference

  4. Enter the name of all authors and their organisations and indicate the presenting author by ticking the relevant box.

  5. Type or cut and paste the text of your abstract/synopsis into the relevant field. Please ensure the abstract is no more than 250 words. (Does not include title, authoring or cited references)

  6. Preview your abstract, make any changes required and finalise your submission and return to your dashboard

  7. You will receive an email confirmation that your abstract has been successfully submitted. Please check your email junk file in case it has been captured there.



To assist the Scientific Committee in deciding if your abstract is selected for the final conference program, please adhere to the following guidelines:

The submitting presenter must ensure that all co-presenters have read and approved the title, summary, presenter names and affiliations.

The abstract content must be no more than 250 words in length.


Do NOT capitalize all letters in the title of the abstract. Capitalise the first letter of all major words in the title as well as prepositions, articles and conjunctions of four letters or more.


Please list the complete first name, middle initials (optional), last name and institutional affiliation, as it should be listed in the conference publication if selected for presentation.


John Smith(1) and Rebecca Best(2)

1  Flinders University, Sturt Road, Bedford Park, SA, 5042

2  Deakin University, Princes Highway, Warrnambool, Vic, 3280


Type or cut and paste the text of your abstract/synopsis into the relevant field. Please ensure the abstract is no more than 250 words. (Does not include title, authoring or cited references)



Abstract submitters will be notified of the outcome via email at the start of June 2024.

The decision of abstract acceptance is at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.


The presenting author(s) must register to attend the Conference for at least the day on which they are scheduled to present and registration must be completed and paid for prior to the close of Early bird registration on 24th June.

If you are not registered by the due date, your presentation may be withdrawn from the program.


A welcome from The Australian and New Zealand Stroke Organisation and the Asia Pacific Stroke Organisation.

We would like to extend a warm invitation to join us in Adelaide in September 2024, for the Asia Pacific Stroke Conference, hosted jointly by the Australian and New Zealand Stroke Organisation (previously Stroke Society of Australasia). Building on the previous success of our 2 previous combined meetings (Cairns 2009 and Brisbane 2016), the theme for the 2024 conference is “Transcending Borders” bridging the borders between countries, between research and implementation, between pre-hospital, hospital care and recovery, between medical, neuro-interventional and surgical specialties, between medical and non-medical professions and between health professionals and consumers.

Our vibrant program provides a variety of cutting edge plenary, original research and ‘hands-on’ workshops across the continuum of care. We have already locked in key international guest Speakers:

  • Professors Raul Nogueira and Chris Kellner from the US,

  • Professor Michael Tymianski from Canada,

  • Professor Liping Liu from China, and

  • Professor Jeyaraj Pandian (president elect of the World Stroke Organisation) from India.

Their plenary sessions will be supplemented by a wide range of sessions delivered by local and regional stroke experts including Professors Bruce Campbell, Craig Anderson, Bernard Yan, Stephen Davis, Anna Ranta and Sandy Middleton.

Our meeting will take place within the beautiful Riverbank Central Adelaide precinct. Adelaide was recently rated ‘Australia’s coolest City by the Wall St Journal, and has a vibrant sporting, arts and cultural scene. Including beautiful urban parklands, a rich indigenous heritage and diverse food and wine options, being in close proximity to the Penfolds winery cellar door, as well as further world renowned wine regions (the Barossa Valley, Clare Valley, Adelaide Hills and McLaren Vale). Adelaide provides easy access to Australian nature and wildlife, both locally and close by in iconic Kangaroo island – ranked Number 2 globally in the Lonely Planet’s Top Regions Hotlist.

This conference will showcase the Asia Pacific region’s exemplary research and clinical leadership, and provide rich networking experiences within and between nations. We hope to inspire both sponsors and attendees to ‘transcend borders’ locally, nationally and internationally.

Please do join us in September 2024 in Adelaide.

Prof Timothy Kleinig, Conference Chair
President of ANZSO and and Vascular Neurologist

Prof NV Ramani, Co Convenor
President Elect of APSO and Vascular Neurologist

Prof Bernard Yan, Co Convenor
Ex-President of ANZSO and Interventional Neurologist



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