◆ 会议时间:2025年11月21-23日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年第33届亚洲胸心血管外科医师协会(ATCSA)年会将于2025年11月21-23日在菲律宾马尼拉举行。大会旨在提供一个讨论心胸血管外科领域的前沿技术和创新,交流分享最新医学知识的平台。 亚洲胸心血管外科医师协会(ATCSA)成立于1972年,是一个由亚洲地区胸外科医生组成的国际性协会,于总部位于菲律宾奎松市。ATCSA的宗旨是促进亚太地区心胸外科领域知识的交流,为心胸外科医学的进步与发展做出贡献。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com) 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgeons Of Asia (ATCSA 2025) Date: Venue:
下为上届信息 摘要征文投稿: Abstracts must be submitted by 1st August 2024 at 23:59 (MYT, GMT+8). Late submissions or incomplete abstracts will not be accepted. The Secretariat will notify participants regarding the results of their submission via email by 1st September 2024. The presenting authors MUST register for the congress latest by 1st October 2024 at 23:59 (MYT, GMT+8).
Dear Colleagues 32nd ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGEONS OF ASIA (ATCSA) 2024, 21st – 24th NOVEMBER, SHANGRI LA, KUALA LUMPUR. The Malaysian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (MATCVS) will be hosting the 32nd Annual Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgeons of Asia (ATCSA) 2024 from 21st – 24th November at Shangri La, Kuala Lumpur. This prestigious event will be held in conjunction with the ATCSA Annual Conference. The theme of the meeting is “Synergy In Innovation And Expertise” and will cover the technological advancements and breakthroughs in Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgeries, updating the skills and managements in Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery for adult and pediatrics and providing an opportunity to meet with the key opinion leaders within the region and internationally. ATCSA 2024 will be held face-to-face and enables Surgeons, physicians, medical practitioners, residents, allied health professionals, trainees and associates to share their experiences and knowledge, as well as to renew ties and acquaintances. It will also be a forum for the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry partners to engage and communicate with the esteemed participants. We expect to have at least 1,000 attendees, both local and overseas, to join us for the conference. We truly appreciate your great and continued support and would like to cordially invite you to participate in this regional conference. Thank you. Dato’ Dr Basheer A KareemOrganising Chairman
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