

◆ 会议时间:2025年2月19-23日
◆ 会议地点:南非 开普敦


◆ 会议简介:

2025年第20届国际小儿肾脏病协会(IPNA)大会将于2025年2月19-23日在南非开普敦举行,会议由国际儿科肾脏病协会(IPNA)与非洲小儿肾脏病协会 (AfPNA)联合举办。


IPNA 2025 – 20th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association

Date: February 19-23, 2025
Venue: Cape Town, South Africa

Organized by:
International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA)
African Paediatric Nephrology Association (AfPNA) 




General Information & Deadlines

1. Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the online submission system between 2 September 2024 and 15 September 2024 according to the instructions below. Abstracts received by e-mail or after the deadline will not be accepted, and therefore cannot be considered for the program or publication.

2. A preferred presentation method should be selected from the following options:

  • Oral presentation– The top-scoring abstracts will be selected for full oral presentation, including the Best Abstract award.
  • 3-minute pitch– A focused oral presentation highlighting key aspects of your research.
  • Electronic Poster – The best posters will be presented at the moderated E-Poster sessions. Only electronic poster submission is permitted.

Please note that all submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee and their selection will be final.

3. Once the abstract is submitted, it can be changed until the abstract submission deadline of 15 September 2024.

4. All presentations (including e-poster presentations) can only be delivered in person.

There is no possibility for Zoom/virtual presentations.

5. Only a small quota of oral presentation slots will be reserved.

6. Accepted abstracts will be made available electronically on the IPNA 2025 website and in the Pediatric Nephrology journal. Abstracts not suitable for display will be rejected. Please have your abstract checked for correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formal structure. The organiser reserves the right to edit abstracts if necessary.

7. All presenting authors will receive an acceptance/rejection notification letter via e-mail by 15 October 2024.

8. All presenting authors are required to register and pay the registration fee by 25 October 2024 as a condition of presenting the abstract. Authors who are unable to attend may ask a colleague to present on their behalf. If you or your co-authors are unable to attend, please notify the Congress Secretariat at abstracts@ipna2025.org to withdraw your abstract at the earliest, so that we may give others a possibility to present.



1. Abstract submission is only possible online. Abstracts that do not comply with the instructions will not be accepted.

2. All abstracts must be written in English

3. The abstract title is limited to 30 words and must be submitted using the Sentence case (e.g. ‘My abstract for IPNA 2025 will be presented in Cape Town’ – The first letter of the first word is capitalised, and all other letters and words that follow are in lowercase, except for proper nouns).

4. The maximum abstract length is 500 words (including picture/table description).

5. Structure your abstract as follows: Aims/Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Please use the template available on the submission page.

6. Do not use abbreviations in the title. Minimise the use of abbreviations in the text.

7. Up to 15 authors can be submitted for one abstract (including the presenting author). Each author can have one main and one additional affiliation.

8. Only one picture can be included in the abstract text.

    • Pictures must be saved in .jpg
    • Charts can only be inserted as a picture (saved as .jpg)
    • Tables can only be inserted as a picture (saved as .jpg)

9. Presenting authors who are under 40 years of age at the time of the abstract submission are eligible for the Best Abstract Award.

10. All selected abstracts will be published in Paediatric Nephrology,and all abstracts will be published on the IPNA website.

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