

◆ 会议时间:2025年3月13-16日
◆ 会议地点:美国 拉斯维加斯


◆ 会议简介:



ADC 2025 – 45th Annual Dialysis Conference

March 13-16, 2025

Mandalay Bay Hotel
3950 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119 USA


The Annual Dialysis Conference (ADC) is a multidisciplinary conference where the global community of kidney care experts gathers to dive deep into the essentials and cutting-edge advancements in kidney disease and renal replacement therapies. Tailored for physicians, trainees, nurses, dietitians, social workers, and industry professionals, this conference is your gateway to learning the fundaments as well as the latest in kidney care. Whether you’re interested in establishing a new program or acquiring information about pioneering advances to implement in your established program, join us for a comprehensive exploration of kidney diseases and dialysis treatments, and transplantation with special emphasis on home dialysis therapies. Connect, learn, and elevate your practice at the forefront of nephrology.



Abstract Submissions

Submissions Open: Aug 15, 2024 10:00:00 PM

Submissions End: Dec 10, 2024 3:59:00 PM

Maximum Characters: 2500

Supplementary Files: Up to 3


Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline: Abstracts will be accepted through December 9, 2024 at 11:59 pm CT.
  • Submission:
    • Abstracts must be electronically submitted through the Annual Dialysis Conference abstract submission portal by the deadline.
    • Multiple abstracts can be submitted by an individual. However, it is recommended to submit only one abstract per study. Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more of the abstracts.
    • Submitted abstracts should be non-published data.
    • Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted.
  • Categories:
    • Topic
      1. Adult
      2. Pediatric
    • Sub Topic
      1. PD
      2. HD
      3. PD/HD
  • Processing Fee: No processing fee.
  • Character Limit: Each abstract is limited to a maximum of 2,500 characters including spaces, title, and author information. You may upload a figure in jpeg or png format which will reduce the maximum characters by 400 to 2100 characters. In addition, you may upload up to 3 supplementary files in pdf, jpeg, mp3 or mp4 format with a max size of 25 MB (online only, supplementary files will not be published in the abstract book).
  • Title: Limited to 250 characters (see styling recommendations)
  • Abstract structure: Organize the abstract as follows:
    • Introduction: Statement of the purpose of the study, program, project or case report.
    • Methods: Statement of the methods or interventions used.
    • Results: Summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusion.
    • Conclusion: Statement of the implications, conclusions reached or key message.
  • Presenting Author: Each abstract must list a presenting author. The presenting author will receive all correspondence and it is their responsibility to share correspondence with the other authors. Information will not be sent to co-authors.
  • Affiliations: Co-authors will be limited to 7, we recommend that you list a study group or et al. after the first seven authors.
  • Styling recommendations:
    • All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a university-specific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
    • Title: Capitalize all Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions (“as”, “because”, “although”). Lowercase all articles, coordinate conjunctions (“and”, “or”, “not”) and prepositions as long as they are not first or last word.
    • Abbreviations: Use of standard abbreviations is desirable, e.g., RBC. Use kg., gm., mg., ml., L, and %. Place a special or unusual abbreviation in parentheses after the full word or phrase the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences. Do not use subtitles, e.g., Methods, Results.
    • Symbols: Please submit symbols as words or using the symbol popup from toolbar (Ω).
    • Use generic drug names where applicable.
  • Acknowledgements: Up to 250 characters, not obligatory.
  • References: Up to 400 characters, not obligatory.
  • Changes: You may make changes to your abstract up to the deadline. However, if you recall an abstract for editing, to be considered for review, you must resubmit it by the deadline.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Each author will be invited by email to declare any conflict of interest on submission. Please ensure the email address is correct.
  • Selection and Presentation: The Conference Review Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the presenting author. Please note, if your abstract is accepted for either oral or poster presentation, you are expected to take full responsibility for registration and other expenses related to your attendance at the conference.
  • Notification of Acceptance: Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by email to the presenting author generally by the middle of January. Acceptance of an abstract does not waive the registration fee.
  • Questions: email Claire Oser at contactadc@health.missouri.edu

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Fellows Case Submissions

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Case Summaries

The deadline for case summary submission is December 9, 2024 at midnight pacific time.


Nephrology Fellows (pediatric)

Pediatric Nephrology Fellows training in a pediatric or medicine/pediatrics training program are invited to submit a 1-3 page case summary describing an unusual case (PD, HD, or CRRT). Cases should be organized so they lead to one or more management questions which will be presented to a select group of Pediatric Faculty (consultants). The three best cases will be selected for presentation in the Stump the Consultants Session on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

Authors of the 3 selected cases will be awarded free registration and $500. In addition, pending available funds, all Fellows submitting cases, whether selected for presentation or not will receive waived registration fees for the conference.

Program Director letters are not required for pediatric case summaries.

The deadline for case summary submission is: December 9, 2024 at midnight pacific time.

Please note: Pediatric Fellows submitting abstracts to the poster sessions are Not eligible for consideration for a waiver of registration fees. Waiver of registration is limited to pediatric nephrology fellows who submit case summaries to the Stump the Consultants session.


Nephrology Fellows (non-pediatric)

Nephrology fellows are invited to submit a 1-2 page case summary of a challenging or unusual dialysis experience. The authors of the top 6-8 cases will be selected to present their cases in the Fellows Forum Session. Funding of airfare, 2 nights hotel and registration will be awarded to the 6-8 selected fellows chosen to present their case. The presentations during the conference are judged by a panel of judges and a winner is chosen based on the collective scores from the judges. A $500 award will be presented to the winner.

For those submitting cases but not selected for presentation, funding for registration and 2 nights hotel will be available on a first come first serve basis. Fellows receiving funding will be required (but not limited to) attend the below sessions.

A letter must be uploaded indicating your desire to apply for the case summary funding. The letter needs to be signed by your nephrology fellowship program director and verify that you are a fellow.

Fellows submitting abstracts will not be considered for the funding for Fellow Case Submission unless a case was submitted separately.

The case summary submission deadline is December 9 at midnight pacific time.


Nephrology Fellows (non-pediatric) Required Sessions:


Friday, March 14, 2025

Session 16: Workshop: Tailoring Sodium Prescription Strategies for Hypertension and Hypotension

4:30-5:30 pm

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) prescriptions require ongoing monitoring that extends beyond solute clearances. Adjustment of ultrafiltration involves a complex interplay of factors including membrane classification, osmotic agents employed, duration of PD exchanges, blood pressure and the patient’s cardiac health. A comprehensive understanding of solute and water transport is crucial to effectively manipulate these variables to individualize care and prevent complications. This workshop will utilize a case-based approach to delve into these critical issues.


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Session 19: Update on Selected CKD and ESRD Medications

8:00-10:00 am

8:00 Case Presentation 1: Medications to Manage Anemia in CKD

8:25 Case Presentation 2: Potassium Binders

8:50 Case Presentation 3: Hyperphosphatemia

9:15 Case Presentation 4: Weight Loss and Diabetes

9::40 Q and A

10:00 Break


Session 26: Fellows Forum

2:00-4:00 pm

This session starts with a brief keynote presentation followed by an interactive educational forum where nephrology fellows present challenging and intriguing clinical cases to their peers and faculty members. In this session, fellows demonstrate their diagnostic reasoning, clinical decision-making and knowledge of nephrology. Each case presentation typically includes the patient history, examination, findings, diagnostic challenges, management strategies and outcomes.

The session encourages discussion and feedback from attendees, fostering a collaborative learning environment where fellow can gain insights from experienced nephrologists, explore different approaches to patient care, and stay updated on best practices. It also provides an opportunity for fellows to enhance their presentation and communication skills, critical for their professional development.

The presentations are judged by a panel of judges and a winner is chosen based on the collective scores from the judges

2:00 Keynote Presentation – TBA

2:30 Presentations of Fellows Submitted Cases

4:00 Break

4:00-4:30 pm Break


Session 27: Fellows Session (Group Activity – Jeopardy) Open to all participants

4:30-5:30 pm

Dialysis Jeopardy is an interactive game based on the popular TV show where participants answer questions across various categories related to dialysis. From clinical guidelines and patient management to the latest research and technological advancements, this event provides an opportunity to test your knowledge, learn from your peers, and discover new insights in nephrology while having some fun! The questions are carefully crafted to challenge your understanding and encourage collaboration with the dialysis team.

In addition to nephrology fellows, we encourage all nephrology providers, including nephrologists, nephrology nurses, dialysis technicians, and renal dietitians, to form teams and join us for this fun and exciting event. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a budding expert, Dialysis Jeopardy promises to be an engaging and informative experience for all.





ADC 2025 Attendee

$799 Early Price
$899 Late Registration Price

Nurses, Dietitians, Others:
$650 Early Price
$750 Late Registration Price

Fellows (Nephrology, PHD Trainees, Students):
$400 Early Price
$550 Late Registration Price

Child Life Specialist Online Only:$149


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