◆ 会议时间:2025年9月1-3日 ◆ 会议地点:澳大利亚 珀斯
◆ 会议简介:
ANZSN ASM 2025 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology
Date: 1-3 September 2025 Venue: Perth, WA, Australia
- Call for Presentations Open
Mid February 2024
- Call for Presentations Close
Wednesday 8th May 2024
- Abstract Notification
Wednesday 5th June 2024
- Presenter Registration Closes
Tuesday 25th June 2024
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Abstract Submission Instructions
All abstracts are submitted online via the portal above.
1. Prepare your Abstract
- Title: Use a descriptive title that indicates the content of the abstract. Titles are printed in UPPERCASE.
- Authors: Include the given name and family name of every contributing author, separated by a comma. Authors are printed in UPPERCASE.
- Affiliations: Include each author’s organisation, suburb, state, and email address (optional). The presenter will be indicated in the program, not the abstract. Affiliations are printed in sentence case.
- Abstract: Prepare a 275-word abstract for all presentation types including:
- The following sub-headings: Aim, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- The following subheadings for case studies: Background, Case Report, Conclusions
- You MUST include results or data in your abstract.
2. Corresponding Authors
Open the submission portal and enter the contact details of the corresponding author(s).
3. Abstract Submission Details
You will need to enter the following details for each abstract you submit:
- Presentation title (UPPER CASE)
- Abstract (275 words)
- Preferred presentation format
- Preferred theme
- Names of authors (UPPER CASE)
- Affiliations of authors
- Indicate the presenter
- Short biography of the presenter (100 words)
- Completed Presenter Consent Form (PDF)
Presenter Registration
All presenters must register for the ASM and pay the appropriate registration fee. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.
The submitting author will be the only point of contact for all communication regarding the abstract, including acceptance notification.
Travel Grants & Scholarships
The ANZSN offers grant-in-aid travel awards to those who meet specific eligibility criteria please refer to https://nephrology.edu.au/#anzsntravelawards. All other presenters need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.
Abstract Guidelines
- Content in Sentence case
- Sub-headings in Sentence case
- Use single line spacing
- Include the following sub-headings: Aim, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- Include the following subheadings for case studies: Background, Case Report, Conclusions
- Abstracts MUST NOT exceed 275 words, excluding the title, authors and affiliations
- Abstracts exceeding 275 words will NOT be accepted
- You MUST include results or data in your abstract.
- Do NOT include figures and/or tables. Any abstract with figures and/or tables will NOT be accepted
- Abstracts that describe plans for a study or state “results will be presented” will NOT be accepted
- Abbreviations – include the full text on the first mention followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis
- Do NOT include references
- Do NOT submit abstracts with typographical or grammatical errors
Presentation Themes
Select one of the following theme options when submitting your abstracts.
- Developmental Biology
- Environmental Sustainability
- Experimental Immunology
- Experimental Tubulointerstitial Disease
- General Nephrology – Acute kidney injury
- General Nephrology – Diabetes/Cardiovascular/Hypertension
- General Nephrology – Epidemiology and Public Health
- General Nephrology – Glomerulonephritis
- General Nephrology – Health Services Research
- General Nephrology – Other
- General Nephrology – Pregnancy-associated
- Genetics
- Haemodialysis – CKD-MBD/Anaemia/Adequacy
- Haemodialysis – Other
- Haemodialysis – Vascular Access
- Indigenous Health Advancement
- Interventional Nephrology
- Nutrition
- Paediatrics
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Quality Indicators
- Transplantation
Registration Categories
Please ensure you are eligible for the category you have selected. If you are not eligible for the category you have selected you will be invoiced for the difference in registration cost and this must be paid prior to the ASM. All student registrations must provide a letter from their supervisor or Head of Department to be eligible.
- ANZSN (and affiliated organisations*) Member: Members of ANZSN who have paid subscription for the year in which the ASM is being held.
- Non-Member: Individuals without active subscription for ANZSN for the year in which the ASM is being held. You can become a member at https://nephrology.edu.au/.
- International Concession: Attendees who reside in Low Income Countries and Lower Middle Income Countries in the Asia-Pacific region (Korea, Dem. People’s Rep., Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Mongolia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Pacific Island states, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka).
- *ISN Member: If you are a member of the ISN, please contact Conference Design to access the equivalent ANZSN member rate.
- Subgroup: Individual from Allied Health or Nursing groups, Scientists or a Retired nephrologist (no longer in paid employment).
- Student: Nephrology Trainees / Pre-Vocational Physicians
- Student: Under or Post Graduate: Individual enrolled in an undergraduate degree or enrolled in a post-graduate research higher degree in the year in which the ASM is being held. Letter from your university or supervisor to be uploaded during registration or emailed to the Secretariat.
- Student/Trainee: Research Assistant: Scientist or Research Assistant less than 8 years post-doctoral (or full-time equivalent) with a letter from the Head of Department to be uploaded during registration or emailed to the Secretariat.
- Scientist: An individual who works in scientific research in the renal area.
*ANZSN offer reduced registration fees at ANZSN member rates for members of the Indian Society of Nephrology, Malaysian Society of Nephrology, Nephrology Society of Thailand, Japanese Society of Nephrology, Chinese Society of Nephrology, Canadian Society of Nephrology and the European Renal Association with whom we have existing MoUs.
ASM Full Registration*
Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th September
Full – Early Member / International Concession |
$930 |
Full – Early Non-Member |
$1,230 |
Full – Early Subgroup |
$830 |
Full – Early Student/Trainee |
$630 |
Full – Scientist/Researcher |
$580 |
Full – Standard Member / International Concession |
$1,130 |
Full – Standard Non-Member |
$1,330 |
Full – Standard Subgroup |
$930 |
Full – Standard Student/Trainee |
$680 |
Full – Consumer |
$630 |
- All ASM sessions (3 days)
- Daily catering where listed on the program
- Welcome Reception
- Gala Dinner
ASM Day Registration*
Monday 2nd OR Tuesday 3rd OR Wednesday 4th September
Day – Early Member / International Concession |
$450 |
Day – Early Non-Member |
$550 |
Day – Early Subgroup |
$400 |
Day – Early Student/Trainee |
$400 |
Day – Early Consumer |
$250 |
Day – Scientist/Researcher |
$250 |
Day – Standard Member / International Concession |
$550 |
Day – Standard Non-Member |
$650 |
Day – Standard Subgroup |
$500 |
Day – Standard Student/Trainee |
$500 |
Day – Standard Consumer |
$500 |
On the day of your registration(s):
- ASM sessions
- Daily catering where listed on the program
Additional social function tickets are available to purchase during the registration process.
Additional Social Function Tickets
ASM Welcome Reception $145 ASM Dinner $190
*All ASM registrations include carbon offset in the ticket price.