
◆ 会议时间:2025年10月29日-11月1日
◆ 会议地点:英国 爱丁堡


◆ 会议简介:



45th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU 2025)

Date: October 29 – November 1, 2025
Venue: Edinburgh, Scotland


Global Urological Education is Headed to Edinburgh

The SIU will bring its global platform for the most relevant topics in urological education and training to Edinburgh, Scotland, October 29 to November 1, 2025. Be sure to attend and engage in this exciting exchange of knowledge in a collegial atmosphere welcoming urologists, researchers, nurses, national and sub-specialty urological societies, and industry partners from across the globe.

The SIU’s Scientific Programme Committee and Council, led by expert Co-Chairs, Drs Rajeev T P (India) and Seth Lerner (United States) are curating a one-of-a-kind programme, designed to meet the learning gaps identified by the Society’s most recent needs assessment survey. SIU sessions will offer dynamic and interactive learning formats featuring the contributions of world-renowned leaders in the field. Attendees can expect to benefit from special sessions included in their registration fees, such as live surgery panels, workshops, accredited symposia, and more.

Once again, the congress will feature the SIU’s Bench-to-Bedside Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers Triad Meeting. This seventh edition will take place Friday, October 31 and will feature multidisciplinary presentations, debates, and case-based panel discussions. Attendance is essential for any healthcare professional actively involved in the management of bladder, kidney, and prostate cancers.



Abstract Submission

Abstract submission portal will open: November 30, 2024

Submission Deadline: April 03, 2025 – 2359 Eastern

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

All accepted abstracts will be presented in ePoster/video format. To see what ePosters are all about, please watch this short video.

All accepted abstracts will be published on SIU Academy in digital ePoster format and published online as open access in the the Société Internationale d’Urologie Journal. To ensure your abstract is eligible for submission, please carefully review the ABSTRACT GUIDELINES.



A submission may be made to ONE of the following categories.

  • SIU 2025 Regular Abstract Submission
  • SIU 2025 Nursing Abstract Submission
  • SIU 2025 Residents Forum Submission*

*  Residents Forum submissions are limited to consideration for Moderated Oral eposters. Any accepted submissions not selected for the moderated session, will be available as an unmoderated standard eposter. If the submitter wishes for their abstract to be considered for any of the other presentation types, please select ‘regular abstract submission’ from the submission category.


All submissions for moderated sessions will be selected based on SIU Needs Assessment analysis and preference will be given to the topics which will best serve the educational needs of attendees.

  • Moderated Oral ePoster – Live oral presentation on-site at congress during the moderated topic session in front of moderators and includes a live Q&A with the presenting author.
  • Unmoderated Standard ePoster – Standard ePoster presented on an interactive screen on-site and online on the SIU Academy.  A voice over of maximum 3-minutes may be added after acceptance.
  • Moderated Video ePoster – Video presented on-site at congress during the moderated video session in front of moderators and includes a live Q&A with the presenting author. MP4 format required.
  • Unmoderated Video ePoster – Video ePoster of maximum 7-minutes, presented on an interactive screen on-site and online on the SIU Academy.  MP4 format required.


The Presenting Author is the main contact for any questions or information we have regarding an abstract. All correspondence relating to the submission will be directed to the Presenting Author, and they should distribute to all co-authors if needed.

Abstract status notifications will be sent to the presenting author by June 2025.


All accepted abstracts will be published on SIU Academy as an ePoster with voice-over as well as a supplement of SIUJ. Publications of abstracts on SIU Academy and SIUJ implies transfer of copyright of the article to the Publisher. This will ensure the widest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.

Should the author wish to reuse the submission at later events/publications, permission should be requested for publication with the following statement: “This abstract was presented at the 45th Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (Edinburgh, 2025). All rights reserved. Reused with permission.”

By submitting an abstract, the submitter (and its co-authors) agree to the conditions specified in the guidelines.


Abstract status notifications will be sent to all submitters by end of May 2025. Abstract presenting authors will be required register – deadline to be confirmed. After the deadline, presenting authors who have not paid their registration fees will have their abstract withdrawn and be excluded from the programme as well as from the supplement of the SIUJ. No exceptions will be granted.

  • Presenting Authors with moderated presentations (including Residents’ Forum) must register for the in-person meeting.
  • Should a moderated poster presenting author register for the virtual-only meeting, their abstract status will be modified to an unmoderated presentation.
  • We encourage all Presenting Authors, regardless of presentation type to register for the in-person congress. However, for unmoderated presentations, if travel restrictions will not allow in person attendance, registration for virtual attendance is required. Please note that virtual registration will give you access to the platform, but there will be no live interaction with the audience.

Abstract presenters who are not SIU members are encouraged to join, as this means a possible savings of at least €200 on registration fees.

All expenses such as registration, visa, airfare, lodging, etc. associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract are the responsibility of the presenter.


Revisions may be made directly in the submission portal until the submission deadline. Abstracts may not be revised or resubmitted after the deadline.


Abstract withdrawals may be made directly in the submission portal until the submission deadline. After this date, please submit abstract withdrawal requests in writing by 1 July 2025. If the request is received after this date, it may not be possible to exclude from planned publications.


Changes may be made directly in the submission portal until the submission deadline. After the deadline, please submit requests in writing by 1 July 2025. After this date, changes will no longer appear in the SIU Abstract Book and SIU Congress materials.

Requests for changes to presenting author may be accepted only if the new presenting author is already listed on the original submission as an author. Authors may NOT be added after review to accommodate presenters.


Late-Breaking Abstracts Submission Deadline: August 30, 2025 @ 23:59 PM Eastern.

The Late-Breaking Abstract submission is solely for abstracts with late-breaking data and not for abstracts submitted “late.” Any “late” abstracts will be rejected outright. In order to fulfil the criteria for a late-breaking abstract you must enter the reasons why your abstract is a late-breaking abstract. Failure to do so, will mean that the abstract will not be reviewed. Submissions will be received through the same submission portal as regular submissions. The portal will re-open for late-breaking submissions in July 2025.



Who Should Attend?

  • Urologists
  • Urological Nurses
  • Uro-gynecologists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • General Practitioners
  • Interventional Radiologists
  • Medical Students
  • Medical Oncologists
  • PhDs
  • Radiation Oncologists
  • Reconstructive Surgeons
  • Residents and Trainees
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