◆ 会议时间:2025年10月14-17日 ◆ 会议地点:加拿大 温哥华
◆ 会议简介: 2025年美国妇科泌尿学会(AUGS)盆底疾病周(PFD WEEK 2025)将于2025年10月14-17日在加拿大温哥华举行。盆底疾病周(PFD WEEK)是AUGS年度科学会议的扩展,由AUGS于2015年创建,旨在成为对女性盆腔医学和重建外科感兴趣的相关卫生保健专业人士的首选会议,会议的核心内容包括传统的两天半的科学报告,外加一天的外科和临床研讨会。 美国妇科泌尿学会(AUGS)成立于1979年,是首屈一指的代表治疗女性盆底疾病的专业人士的非营利组织,现拥有超过1900名成员,包括执业医师,护理师,物理治疗师,护士和卫生保健专业人员以及来自其他学科的研究人员等。作为女性盆腔医学和重建外科的领导者,AUGS致力于通过卓越的教育、研究和宣宣传提升对患者的护理水平。AUGS是女性盆腔医学和重建外科(FPMRS)临床和科学信息及教育的主要来源。 PFD Week 2025 – AUGS Pelvic Floor Disorders (PFD) Week Date: October 14-17, 2025 Organized by:American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS)
PFD Week was created by AUGS to become the go-to meeting for health care professionals interested in or actively practicing urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery. The core of the meeting contains the traditional two and half days of scientific presentation with the addition of one day of surgical and clinical workshop sessions. With this expanded focus, the meeting brings together physicians, physicians-in-training, researchers, physical therapists, advance nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurse practitioners to collaborate, network and learn from each other’s expertise. PFD Week creates the forum to learn from each other’s knowledge, experience and expertise, for the improvement of women’s urogynecologic care. PFD Week is an inclusive meeting that offers access to internationally recognized leaders in the field and the opportunity to network with the most highly respected health professionals in urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery.
重要日期: Important Dates
Submission CategoriesAbstract: A submission of no more than 450 words that include Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions of a study and up to 2 figures and/or tables. Case reports are not eligible for consideration. All tables must be submitted in WORD. Legends MUST appear at the end of the abstract after the Conclusions section and clearly labeled. DO NOT include legends with your figures and tables uploads. Figures and tables will appear at the end of your abstract in the final publication. Video Abstract: Presenters will submit a video of no more than 8-minutes in length with an accompanying abstract of 450 words or less describing the Objectives, Methods and Clinical Relevance of the video. AUGS Pre-Conference Workshop is an in-depth, interactive, value-added presentation. Workshops should be highly participatory that require extra time and dedication to provide the learner with the best educational opportunity. In 2025, due to meeting location, AUGS will NOT be able to accommodate hands-on workshops that require industry support. AUGS will host up to 6 interactive workshops which will take place on the morning of Wednesday, October 15, 2025. CSPM Pre-Conference Workshop is an in-depth, interactive, value-added presentation. Workshops should be hands-on, highly participatory to provide the learner with the best educational opportunity. CSPM will host up to 2 hands-on workshops CSPM will host up to 2 hands-on workshops which will take place before the opening address. Late-Breaking Science: These submissions are intended to allow for the timely presentation of high-impact trials to PFD Week attendees. It is expected that these abstract submissions are from studies for which no preliminary data were available at the time of the abstract submission deadline. Late-breaking science is considered for oral presentations only and are not eligible for other types of presentation (e.g., video, poster). If accepted, abstracts will be presented at the podium but will not be published in the supplement issue of Urogynecology.
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