所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所录用的论文将由IEEE(ISBN:979-8-3503-9234-0)出版,收录进IEEE Xplore数据库,出版后提交EI, Scopus检索。
贾维嘉,教授,北京师范大学珠海校区(UIC 副校长、IEEE Fellow、讲席教授)
王 洋,教授, 深圳职业技术大学(院长,珠江学者特聘教授)
Prof. Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta (IEEE Fellow、加拿大皇家学会院士)
史玉回,教授,南方科技大学(IEEE Fellow/副系主任/讲席教授)
倪建军,教授,河海大学(IEEE/CAAI/CCF Senior Member)
文 奴,副研究员,深圳职业技术大学
许 翔,副研究员,深圳职业技术大学
苟建平,教授,西南大学(IEEE/CSIG/CCF Senior Member)
柳 欣,教授,华侨大学(IEEE/CCF Senior Member)
贾维嘉教授,北京师范大学(IEEE Fellow/UIC 副校长)
博士,UIC 副校长,IEEE Fellow,CCF杰出会员,北师港浸大(UIC)人工智能与未来网络联合研究院的讲席教授和所长,H指数66。
史玉回 教授,南方科技大学(IEEE Fellow/副系主任/讲席教授)
教授,国际计算智能领域专家,头脑风暴优化算法创始人,IEEE Fellow。
史玉回 教授1992年博士毕业于东南大学并留校任教,先后在美国、韩国、澳大利亚等地从事研究工作,在美国期间,曾与粒子群优化算法创始人James Kenney 和Russell Eberhart合作发表过多篇奠基性学术论文,是英文专著《群体智能》和《计算智能:从概念到实现》的作者之一。
■ 机器学习
- 深度和强化学习
- 网络的模式识别和分类
- 用于网络切片优化的机器学习
- 机器学习5G系统
- 用于用户行为预测的机器学习
- 机器学习的实验评估
- 异构网络中的数据挖掘
- 物联网机器学习
- 机器学习的安全和保护
- 分布式和分散式机器学习算法
- 数据分析和挖掘
- 模式识别
- 神经网络…
■ 智能系统工程
- 智能控制系统
- 智能信息系统
- 智能数据挖掘
- 人工智能和进化算法
- 分布式人工智能算法和技术
- 分布式人工智能系统和体系结构
- 神经网络及其应用
- 多模式动态感知和自然互动
- 机器人导航、定位和自主控制
- 机器人感知和数据融合
- 多机器人协同控制
- 智能信息融合…
1. 作为投稿者参会:投稿全文经审稿后文章被录用,可在会议现场进行口头报告或海报展示等。
2. 作为报告者参会(无投稿):报名时提交报告的标题和摘要,并在会议上进行口头报告或海报展示。
3. 作为听众参会:出席并参加本次会议, 可全程旁听会议所有展示报告。
期刊名称:Human-Centric Intelligent Systems (HCIN)
期刊简介:Human-Centric Intelligent Systems(HCIN,eISSN:2667-1336)是一本国际化的,经过严格同行评审的开放存取期刊,致力于传播 “以人为中心的智能系统” 中所有相关理论和实际应用的最新研究成果,并提供以人为中心的计算与分析领域的前沿理论和算法见解。论文发表在施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)。
征稿范围:以人为本的 AI;以人为本的数据和管理;信息传播和建模;扩散源识别和网络分析;社会影响力分析;社区检测和动态、虚假信息和错误信息检测;用户建模、个性化和推荐;负责任的 AI、公平性和可解释性。
顾问委员:Masaru Kitsuregawa教授(东京大学,日本国家信息研究所所长);Philip S. Yu教授(伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校计算机科学学院)
The 2025 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Engineering (MLISE 2025) will be held in Shenzhen China during June 13-15 2025. The purpose of this conference is to establish a top academic exchange platform gathering renowned experts researchers and industry leaders in the field from around the world to jointly explore the latest research achievements and technological applications of machine learning and intelligent system engineering.
The conference will focus on machine learning and its innovative applications in intelligent systems engineering covering multiple research directions such as deep learning data mining computer vision natural language processing and intelligent agriculture. In addition to keynote speeches and specialized seminars the conference will also arrange poster displays and interactive discussions to promote in-depth communication among participants.
We sincerely invite researchers engineers and student representatives from around the world to attend this grand event in Guangzhou to join forces and promote continuous progress in the fields of machine learning and intelligent systems engineering. Looking forward to gathering with everyone in Guangzhou in June to witness this academic feast together.
Full Paper Submission Date:April 18 2025
Notification Date:April 29 2025
Registration Deadline:May 14 2025
Conference Date:June 13-15 2025
The 2025 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Engineering (MLISE 2025) serves as good platforms for academics researchers and engineers to meet and exchange innovative ideas and information on all aspects of Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Engineering. We are delighted to invite you to participate in MLISE 2025.
The topics of interest for submission include but are not limited to:
- Machine Learning
- Deep and Reinforcement Learning
- Pattern Recognition and Classification for Networks
- Machine Learning for Network Slicing Optimization
- Machine Learning for 5G System
- Machine Learning for User Behavior Prediction
- New Innovative Machine Learning Methods
- Optimization of Machine Learning Methods
- Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Experimental Evaluations of Machine Learning
- Data Mining in Heterogeneous Networks
- Machine Learning for Multimedia
- Machine Learning for Internet of Things
- Machine Learning for Security and Protection
- Distributed and Decentralized Machine Learning Algorithms
- Data Analysis and Mining
- Pattern Recognition
- Neural Network
- Intelligent Systems Engineering
- Intelligent Control System
- Intelligent Information Systems
- Intelligent Data Mining
- AI and Evolutionary Algorithms
- Distributed AI Algorithms and Technique
- Distributed AI Systems and Architectures
- Neural Networks and Applications
- Human–Computer Interaction
- Multi-Mode Dynamic Perception and Natural Interactions
- Robot Navigation Positioning and Autonomous Control
- Robot Perception and Data Fusion
- Multi-robot Collaborative Control
- Intelligent Information Fusion
- Intelligent Manufacturing
- Intelligent Systems
news.gif Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research papers as well as industrial practice papers. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not permitted.
The length of one paper will be no less than full 4 pages and not exceed 10 pages including the ti
tle of the paper the name and affiliation of each author abstract and references.
Call for Participants & Posters
1. Authors:
Welcome to submit your articles and attend the conference! (Submission Guides)
2. Oral Presenters/Poster presenters:
MLISE 2025 is now accepting oral presentation and poster presentation. If you are interested in presenting your research on the conference without publishing your paper in the proceeding please submit the abstract to us!
3. Listeners:
If you are interested in attending the conference to participant this gathering on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering you are welcome to attend MLISE 2025!
All papers will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process all accepted papers will be published by IEEE (ISBN:979-8-3503-9234-0) and submitted to IEEE Xplore EI Compendex Scopus for indexing.
Note: All submitted articles should report original results experimental or theoretical not previously published or being under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
,大会官网:https://www.mlise.org/ 大会地址:深圳 大会时间:2025-06-13至2025-06-15 会议检索:EI,Scopus
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