◆ 会议时间:2025年6月4-7日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年美国血管外科学会(SVS)血管年会(VAM)将于2025年6月4-7日在美国新奥尔良举行,预计有来自世界各地的1800余名专业人士与会。 美国血管外科学会(SVS)成立于1947年,是一个主要由血管外科医生组成的非营利性专业医学学会,旨在通过教育、宣传、研究和公众意识推进促进卓越与创新的血管健康。SVS现拥有超过5800名训练有素的血管外科医生和其他致力于预防和治疗血管疾病的医疗专业人士宣会员(未经许可禁止复制摘录镜像本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。 Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Vascular Annual Meeting(VAM) 2025 Dates: June 4-7, 2025
The Vascular Annual Meeting is the premier education event in the vascular surgery arena. Mark your calendars to join us in New Orleans, LA, June 4-7 for VAM25! We’re heading to the Big Easy to host the premier educational event in vascular surgery – don’t miss it.
以下为上届会议信息 摘要征文投稿: About the Call:
LEARN ABOUT ABSTRACT SUBMITTING POLICIES提交政策 OverviewThe submission period for VAM24 abstracts will open in mid-November 2023. Anyone who is interested in submitting abstracts is strongly encouraged to review the guidelines and policies linked below. These documents will aid in setting submitters up for success. PoliciesSVS policy is that either the submitting author or one of the co-authors of each abstract be an SVS member. If neither the submitting author nor the co-authors are members, then a member must sponsor the abstract. SVS sends all correspondence to the submitting author or member sponsor regarding the submission. Papers may be presented by a student, resident or fellow; however, the senior author must be present in the audience during the discussion phase of the paper. The presenting author must have a command of the English language and be able to respond to questions in understandable English.
注册费: Pricing InformationBelow is the pricing information for VAM24, the Society for Vascular Nursing Conference (SVN), the Vascular Quality Initiative Conference (VQI), and the VAM24 RPVI course*. *Registration for the RPVI Course will be included with all VAM registration fees. Proof of attendance will be necessary to attend. Registration for the RPVI Course will be included with all VAM registration fees. Proof of attendance will be necessary to attend.
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