

◆ 会议时间:2025年6月26-28日
◆ 会议地点:波兰 克拉科夫


◆ 会议简介:


25th Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum (EVF) 2025

Date: 26-28 June 2025
Venue: Krakow, Poland



The EVF invites you to submit an abstract(s) for consideration of presentation at the EVF 2025 meeting.

Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 14 February 2025 and typed in English. Selection will be based on originality and quality of work. All abstracts will be reviewed and marked blind, by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision by mid March 2025.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

The 30 best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. The remaining abstracts will be considered for Poster Presentation.

Each abstract should include:

  • Title
  • Authors’ names: (Surname, initial)
  • Presenting author must be indicated.
  • Institution, City and Country
  • Type abstract in English. Maximum of 425 words (excluding title, authors’ names, and institution). Abstracts exceeding 425 words will be rejected. Abstracts should include Background/Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions.

Do not include author’s names or institutions in the abstract body.

  • All work (clinical studies, RCT etc) should have Ethical Committee approval. The Ethical Committee approval number should be supplied.
  • References should not be included.
  • Abstracts must not contain brand or device names. 
  • Presenting author must not be a member of a pharmaceutical or device company.
  • Indicate if you wish the abstract to be considered for the EVF Prize.
  • Have support from the Head of Dept to attend should the abstract be selected.

The official language of the Conference is English. All presentations and discussion will be in English. Abstracts accepted for presentation will be available on the electronic Programme/Book of Abstracts.

EVF Prize – Oral presentations

The EVF prize will be awarded to the three best abstracts according to originality and quality. Please indicate on the Abstract Submission Form if you wish your presentation to be considered for the EVF Prize

To be eligible for the EVF Prize the presenter should:

  • Be a Trainee/Junior Doctor
  • Under 40 years of age
  • Confirm that the material has not been presented or published elsewhere

The top paper (1st place) will present their abstract at the next meeting of the American Venous Forum (AVF). They will receive a grant to a maximum of £1,500 to attend the meeting. The top paper will also present their abstract at the next meeting of the American Vein and Lymphatic Society (AVLS). The AVLS will award a grant towards the expenses. Registration at both meetings will be waived. If you submit your abstract for the EVF Prize, it is expected that you attend the meetings if your abstract is successful.

The abstracts of the top three papers will be sent to the Japanese Society of Phlebology (JSP). They will select one paper to be presented at the 2025 meeting of the JSP. The selected paper will receive a grant from the EVF (to a maximum of €3,000) to attend the meeting. It is expected that the winning paper attends the meeting. The registration fee will be waived.

The winners of the 2nd and 3rd Prize will receive complimentary registration at the next annual meeting of the EVF.


EVF Prize – Poster Presentations

The top poster will be awarded the EVF Poster prize for the best poster presentation. The award is free registration at the 2026 meeting of the European Venous Forum.

EVF Grant

Abstracts submitted for the EVF Prize and selected for oral presentation at the meeting will receive an EVF Prize Grant. The presenting author of the paper will receive a grant of up to Euro 500 towards hotel accommodation (3 nights) and travel (economy). The registration fee will be waived.

EVF Abstract Award

The Scientific Committee is pleased to announce the EVF Abstract Award. All papers accepted for oral presentation at the meeting will be considered for the EVF Abstract Award. The papers will be judged on originality and quality of presentation. The winner will receive free registration at the 2026 meeting of the EVF. Note that the three winners of the EVF prize will not be considered for the Award.


It is a condition of submission that should your abstract be accepted for presentation the presenting author will register for the congress at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Failure to register will mean removal of your abstract from the programme.


Welcome Message

Invitation to EVF in Krakow 2025

On behalf of the European Venous Forum and the Polish Society of Phlebology we would like to invite you to the 25th Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum, which will be held in Poland from 26th to 28th June 2025. The meeting will be held in the beautiful historical city of Krakow, in the new Convention Centre; Fabryczna 13, which is located in the centre of the city near to Krakow’s oldtown.

We look forward to welcoming you to Krakow, not only European phlebologists, but also phlebologists from other international societies and continents. We hope that the 25th Annual EVF Meeting 2025 will be an excellent opportunity to both update knowledge about venous and lymphatic diseases, and to exchange personal experience between members of the international phlebological community.

The 25th EVF Annual Meeting Programme will be based on original research presentations, didactic sessions and industry sessions. The best abstracts will be selected for oral and poster presentations after a ‘blind’ abstract scoring process. The didactic sessions will cover numerous topics, such as new developments in the management of VTE, updates on practical phlebology and CVD. There will also be a joint session of EVF with the American Venous Forum (AVF) and the European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS). Our main audience will be Phlebologists, Surgeons, Vascular Surgeons, Vascular Medicine Specialists, Dermatologists, Interventional Radiologists, Aesthetic Medicine Physicians and all others interested in the management of venous disease. We also invite residents from various specialty training programmes to increase their knowledge about venous and lymphatic disease.

Krakow has good flight, train and highway connections, ensuring easy arrival to Krakow from many international destinations. There are lots of hotels in Krakow and the organisers have arranged excellent rates with those near the venue. Please check the website for details.

On behalf of the European Venous Forum and the President of the Meeting, Professor Tomasz Urbanek, we warmly invite you to join us at our high-level venous meeting.

See you in Krakow in June 2025

With best wishes,

Professor Tomasz Urbanek – Meeting President

Professor Andrew Nicolaides – Chairman, EVF Board



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