◆ 会议时间:2025年5月23-26日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年欧洲高血压学会(ESH)年会(第34届欧洲高血压和心血管保护会议)将于2025年5月23-26日在意大利米兰举行,会议由欧洲高血压学会(ESH)主办。一年一度的欧洲高血压年会将提供最高质量的与高血压基础和临床领域研究相关的科学项目计划,拥有最先进的讲座、卫星研讨会、教学会议和欧洲高血压学会高血压专家资格的学分。ESH年会每两年(奇数年)在米兰召开一次,每隔一年(偶数年)在欧洲其它城市召开一次。 欧洲高血压学会(ESH)成立于1989年,其宗旨是提供一个稳定和有组织的欧洲高血压科学交流平台,致力于宣科学研究与知识共享,提高高血压的预防、治疗和控制水平,ESH现拥有2300余名会员。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com). ESH 2025 – 34th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection Date: Veneu:
The annual European Hypertension Meetings offer the highest quality scientific programs related to research in Basic and Clinic areas in Hypertension with State-of-the-Art Lectures, Satellite Symposia, Teaching Sessions and credits for qualifying as Hypertension Specialists of the European Society of Hypertension.
摘要征文投稿: Abstract submission date extended to January 10, 2025
INSTRUCTIONS for ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONBefore preparing and typing your abstract, please carefully read the following instructions:
The final selection of abstracts will be made by the Scientific Committee by end of February 2025. All corresponding authors of abstracts will be then notified about the outcome (accepted or not accepted) of the review process. Please ensure that the email provided during the abstract submission is accurate as all correspondences will be sent via email. NOTE:
For any further information, please contact: esh2025.abs@aimgroup.eu In consideration of WKH’s publication of the Abstracts in the Journal of Hypertension, WKH shall have the right to publish, reproduce and sell the abstracts worldwide, in all languages, and in all forms of media now or hereafter known, including electronic media such as CD-ROM, Internet, and Intranet. AIM ITALY Srl grants WKH the right to use the biographical data from the abstracts in WKH’s or the Journal of Hypertension’s promotion.
Dear Colleagues, we are honored and very pleased to present you this cordial invitation to attend the 34th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Renal Protection (ESH 2025), which will be held in Milan at the MICO Congress Center, on May 23-26, 2025. The 2025 Milan Meeting will continue to follow the successful ESH conference format adopted in Berlin for the ESH 2024 Edition, with the aim to promote a larger interactive participation of faculty and audience. Particular attention will be paid to Young Investigator initiatives as well as to national and international Scientific Societies actively working in the field of hypertension and related diseases. Three main session pathways will characterize the scientific program of the Milan 2025 ESH meeting:
Your participation will contribute significantly to the success of the Meeting! We are looking forward to welcome you in Milan, Prof. Giuseppe Mancia Prof. Guido Grassi Prof. Thomas Weber
注册费: Registration feesFees are quoted in euro (EUR), per person, and include 22% Local VAT. Online registrations will be accepted until May 15, after this date it will be possible to register directly on-site in Milan. * Applicable only to members of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Not applicable to members of other Hypertension Associations and National Societies
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