◆ 会议时间:2025年5月27-30日
◆ 会议简介: NCVH年会始于1999年,提供涵盖颈动脉、肾、股动脉和膝下手术等外周介入手术,以及用于主动脉夹层、腹主动脉瘤、胸主动脉瘤和深静脉介入的支架植入等领域的教育。NCVH年会汇集了一批来自不同领域的医疗保健专业人士,共同致力于改善对心血管疾病患者的护理。会议为医护人员提供了解患者护理最新发展情况的机会。每年的会议都有超过1500名与会者,包括20多场案例实时直播及300多场次的科学讲座和170多名医学领域的优秀教师。NCVH年会特别关注下肢外周动脉疾病(PAD)和严重肢体缺血(CLI),以解决截肢预防技术的需求,为血管内专家、足病医生、家庭医生、护士和导管实验室技术人员提供教育课程。 NCVH是一个非营利性教育基金会,致力于通过多学科认证的会议来宣促进腔内血管技术、药物治疗、外周介入等技术在心血管护理领域的应用。NCVH旨在为医疗保健服务人员提供治疗全身血管病症的知识,努力促进跨学科团队的协作与合作,以保障对患者护理的连续性。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。 NCVH 2025 – New Cardiovascular Horizons (NCVH) Annual Conference Date: May 27-30, 2025
ABOUT NCVH is an educational nonprofit foundation focused on multidisciplinary accredited conferences to advance the field of cardiovascular care using endovascular technologies, pharmacotherapy treatments, peripheral interventions and amputation prevention techniques. With a goal to empower healthcare providers with knowledge of head-to-toe vascular treatments, NCVH strives to promote interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration to address the continuum of patient care. Educational activities include an annual multi-day conference, Fellows Course, Business of Peripheral Interventions Course, CO2 Angiography Society event and Vein Forum along with one-day regional meetings around the United States. Internationally, NCVH participates with focused educational sessions at various meetings in China and the United Arab Emirates. ANNUAL CONFERENCE Founded in 1999, the NCVH Annual Conference provides education covering all fields of peripheral interventions including carotid, renal, femoral and below the knee procedures as well as stent grafting for aortic dissections, abdominal aortic aneurysms, thoracic aortic aneurysms and deep venous interventions. Each year, on average, the conference assembles 1,500+ attendees and features 24+ LIVE case transmissions, 300+ scientific lectures and 175+ faculty considered preeminent in the field of medicine. FOCUSED EDUCATION With a special focus on lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) and critical limb ischemia (CLI) to address the need for amputation prevention techniques, the annual conference provides educational sessions for endovascular specialists, podiatrists, family physicians, nurses and cath lab technologists with specific accreditations for each specialty. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES
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