◆ 会议时间:2025年5月1-3日
◆ 会议简介: 2025年美国心血管造影与介入学会(SCAI)年会将于2025年5月1-3日在美国华盛顿举行。每一年的SCAI年会都会汇集来自世界各地的2000余名医生、心血管领域的专业人士、医院管理人员、学者和行业专业人士,一起分享知识、临床经验和最新的医学研究进展。 美国心血管造影和介入学会(SCAI)成立于1976年,是世界著名的心血管介入医学协会,绝大多数国际权威的心血管介入治疗指南均由SCAI制定。SACI致力于通过专业的教育,制定心血管介入治疗指南,提高世界各国心血管医师宣的临床技能,促进微创和心血管介入医学的卓越发展,为患者提供优质的护理服务。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。 SCAI 2025 – Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) Scientific Sessions Date: Venue: Every year, SCAI Scientific Sessions brings together the interventional cardiology community from around the world to share the latest clinical data, procedural guidance, and advanced expertise in the field.
摘要征文投稿: Abstract Submissions Close: Tue 01/14/2025 Case Submissions Close: Tue 01/14/2025 Late-Breaking Science Opens: Wed 01/15/2025
Welcome SCAI is your interventional home, and at Scientific Sessions, we bring together a host of wonderful opportunities for our community. There will be didactic and data-driven sessions but also as many interactive sessions as possible, exploring the different aspects of clinical practice – bread and butter as well as complex cases, best practices, and tips and tricks that will help you deal with the unexpected. The interventional leadership track has sessions examining the new cardiovascular board, employment issues, coding and reimbursement, and your physical and mental well-being. There will also be opportunities to grow your peer network and engage with SCAI’s committees. I’m very excited about this year’s program, and together with my co-chairs, Sahil Parikh and Drew Klein, I hope you can join us in Washington, DC. Binita Shah, MD, FSCAI Program Chair
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