◆ 会议时间:2025年1月22-24日 ◆ 会议地点:美国 奥兰多
◆ 会议简介:
2025年度CSI先天性、结构性和瓣膜性心脏病和心力衰竭导管介入治疗北美大会(CSI北美大会)将于2025年1月22-24日在美国奥兰多举行。本次会议是专为介入心脏病专家、心胸外科医生、影像专家、麻醉师、护士、技术人员以及其他相关领域的医疗专业人士而设计 。
CSI AMERICA 2025 Catheter Interventions in Congenital, Structural and Valvular Heart Disease and Heart Failure
Dates: January 22-24, 2025
Venue: Orlando, Florida, USA
Catheter interventions in congenital, structural and valvular heat diseases and heart failure
Dear Colleagues,
It was a great pleasure to welcome you to CSI America 2023 – the 5th edition of CSI in the USA, taking place at AdventHealth Nicholson Center, a medical research and training facility in Orlando, Florida.
The main scientific program of CSI America provided an update on the latest trials, studies, new devices, techniques and hot topics in the field with a successful special highlight – a cardiac catheterization laboratory experience on live animals where attendees performed interventional procedures on swine while learning from world class faculty. We were also pleased to offer the chance for presenters and audience to enjoy the Cathlab cafe and E-poster sessions. As always it was filled with inspiring discussions in informal setting.
We are passionate about improving the lives of patients with cardiovascular disease by creating platforms for exchanging knowledge both in-person and virtually.
We look forward to meeting you again in the USA or our other upcoming conferences!
Yours sincerely,
Zahid Amin, Stefan Bertog, Issam Moussa, Horst Sievert, Sir Shakeel A. Qureshi
(On behalf of the board of directors)