

◆ 会议时间:2026年10月22-25日
◆ 会议地点:阿联 酋迪拜


◆ 会议简介:



ISH 2026 – The 31st Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension

Date: 22 – 25 October 2026
Venue: Dubai, UAE

Hosted By:
International Society of Hypertension (ISH)





General regulations:

  • The deadline for sending an abstract will be April 30, 2024.
  • 点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
  • Abstracts will be accepted in English.
  • One or more of the authors of the abstract must be registered for the ISH 2024 Congress for the abstract to be presented either as a poster or an oral presentation.
  • Registration must be completed before June 24, 2024 (pending abstract acceptance). Otherwise, the abstract will not be included in the Abstract Book or be eligible to be presented at the congress.
  • The abstract can list a maximum of 15 authors, including the author presenting at the Conference, and 10 affiliations. Those submitting abstracts must indicate which author will present the work.
  • An individual can present a maximum of 3 abstracts at the ISH 2024 congress.
  • Submission of abstracts of previously published work is not allowed. If the data presented are additional to a published study, the data may be submitted.
  • The submission of an abstract implies authorization by the co-authors for the work to be published in the ISH 2024 Congress Abstract Book. The presenting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest via the abstract submission form. A section has been provided for this purpose in the submission platform.
  • Authors can request their work to be presented orally or either as a poster; however, the committee will decide the presentation format & will inform the submitting author about this.
  • Abstract acceptance notifications will be sent by June 10, 2024.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject an abstract that does not comply with the general regulations.
  • It is important for authors to pay special attention to the grammar & spelling in their abstract submissions, as well as to the scientific content.

Abstract Structure:

  • The abstract must have a maximum of 350 words including the title, authors and affiliations.
  • Title: Maximum of 30 words, must be written in CONTINUOUS CAPITAL LETTERS and, if abbreviations are included, they must be standard type abbreviations.
  • Authors: Each author will be required to provide their name and all the information required of each author in the abstract submission form (Position, institution, city, country, etc.).
  • Content: The abstract should include the following sections:
    • Background and Objective
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Only one figure or table is allowed per abstract.
  • The author must carefully read the abstract before sending it.
  • A confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be automatically sent to the registered email address upon submission.




On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to the 30th Congress of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH2024). Our Congress returns to Latin America and this time it will be in the charming and emblematic city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, full of history and eclectic cuisine. One of the great tourist destinations in Latin America.

We look forward to all the delegates from around the world, dedicated to research, diagnose and treat high blood pressure. Our ISH2024 Congress will be focused on improving the control of hypertension worldwide, with four main themes:

1 — Hypertension care with multidisciplinary teams and standardized processes, we will also explore the application of telemedicine and the new remote patient monitoring techniques.

2 — Predictive and analytical models of response to non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies.

3 — Evaluation and treatment of special populations: elderly, ethnic groups, minorities, frail and multi-morbid patients.

4 — Applied research and translational medicine: molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms, genetic factors and hypertension in animal models.

We will have several inter-society events which will be a great opportunity to interact and make connections with eminent experts and leaders of arterial hypertension from around the world. In addition, the new paradigm of precision medicine in hypertension will be explored in a multidisciplinary fashion. Finally, attractive awards will be presented to participants with outstanding research work.

Our event will be a great occasion to meet again to strengthen the initiatives of the ISH globally and regionally, to create lasting ties to improve the control of hypertension worldwide.

We will be waiting for you in Cartagena, Colombia on September 19 to 22, 2024.








Until December 14, 2023
December 15, 2023 – August 18, 2024
August 18, 2024 – September 22, 2024
ISH Members * 450 $ 500 $ 600 $
ISH Non-members 525 $ 575 $ 700 $
Colombian/Allied Society Members * 200 $ 225 $ 275 $
Latin American Specialists – Not members of Allied Societies 250 $ 275 $ 350 $
General Physicians (NOT specialized) and Students / Residents ** 150 $ 175 $ 250 $

* Members of ISH and the Colombian/Allied Society must present a document proving their current membership.
** Students and residents must prove their situation


Fees are in US Dollars (USD) and include: access to scientific sessions and commercial area, congress documentation, coffee breaks and Congress days.



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